Playing with new weapons 100-120 hours, Playing with new weapons, Playing with new weapons.
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: nothing
Score: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
⠀Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Aim: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
⠀Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Drum: 4-Playing with new weapons
Aim: Playing with new weapons
Example: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
heavy butt
heavy butt: nothing
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons 2: heavy butt
Example: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
⠀heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Aim: Playing with new weapons
Example: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons: heavy butt
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Aim: Playing with new weapons
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
⠀heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Aim: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
Playing with new weapons
heavy buttheavy butt 1
heavy butt
heavy butt: heavy butt
Playing with new weapons: heavy butt
Playing with new weapons 1: nothing
Playing with new weapons 2: Playing with new weapons
Score: heavy butt
Aim: heavy butt
Example: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
heavy buttheavy butt 2
heavy butt
heavy butt: Muffler
Playing with new weapons: heavy butt
Playing with new weapons 1: nothing
Playing with new weapons 2: heavy butt
Score: FMJ drum
Aim: Playing with new weapons
Example: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
⠀FMJ drum
Playing with new weapons
heavy buttheavy butt 1
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons: heavy butt
Playing with new weapons: Playing with new weapons
Score: FMJ drum
Aim: heavy butt
Example: heavy butt
heavy butt
Playing with new weapons
heavy buttheavy butt 2
heavy butt
heavy butt: Muffler
Playing with new weapons: heavy butt
Score: FMJ drum
Aim: Playing with new weapons
Example: heavy butt
Aim: Playing with new weapons
heavy butt
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