[ATTENTION! the manual is currently being written]
This guide contains recipes for powerful potions (third level potions)
important preface
a few explanatory points:
if written:”made from [a plant]”, this means there is no need to pound it in a mortar
if written:”made from crushed [a plant]”, this means it needs to be completely pounded in a mortar
conduct, lead = stir, In this guide, I will show the easiest animatronic sets for passing on
this screenshot means, what needs to be added to the base?
Health Potion

fire potion
Potion of Poison (poison)


mana potion

potion of speed

strength potion

recipe: (1) add 2 crushed terraria, start leading (2) use the portal to move (3) add 1 dryad saddle
explosion potion

recipe: (1,2) add ingredients in the same order, what is written above
Potion of Wild Growth

poison protection potion
Made from: 2 chopped Druid rosemary, 1 crushed waterflower, 1 crushed mud mushroom, 1 terraria

recipe: (1) add everything, except terraria, carry out, (2) add terraria, we don't complete it, (3) add the base

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