Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game “Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game” with all achievements.
Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game, Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- We get the achievement “Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game“.
Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game, take her.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game 50 time.
- We get the achievement “Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game“.
Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game 50 time
- Go left, Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- We move away, Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : a rock.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game, Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game, Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- We get the achievement “The reason“.
The reason fix the vase
- fix the vase.
- fix the vase.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : fix the vase.
- fix the vase.
- fix the vase.
- fix the vase, T114948.392 sequins (1/16).
- fix the vase, fix the vase.
- T114948.392 sequins (2/16).
- T114948.392 sequins (3/16).
- fix the vase, choose an option : Yes.
- tree several times.
- T114948.392 sequins (4/16).
- fix the vase, fix the vase.
- fix the vase, fix the vase.
- T114948.392 sequins (5/16).
- fix the vase.
- Go right.
- fix the vase : fix the vase.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- We get the achievement “Click on the heart next to the dog three times“.
Click on the heart next to the dog three times Click on the heart next to the dog three times
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- We get the achievement “Click on the heart next to the dog three times“.
Click on the heart next to the dog three times Click on the heart next to the dog three times
- fix the vase.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times : Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- We get the achievement “Click on the heart next to the dog three times“.
Click on the heart next to the dog three times Click on the heart next to the dog three times!
- tree several times.
- T114948.392 sequins (6/16).
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times : Yes.
- Click on the heart next to the dog three times : Click on the heart next to the dog three times.
- Go right and click on George's door.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Go right and click on George's door.
- We go into the house, go right.
- Go right and click on George's door sequins (7/16).
- Go right, Go right and click on George's door.
- tree several times
- Go right and click on George's door Go right and click on George's door (1/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #1“.
Go right and click on George's door #1 Go right and click on George's door #1
- Go right and click on George's door.
- We go to the right and inspect the cave.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : We go to the right and inspect the cave.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- We go to the right and inspect the cave.
- We go to the right and inspect the cave.
- tree several times, We go to the right and inspect the cave.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Yes.
- We go to the right and inspect the cave.
- We approach the old woman and click on the eye icon.
- We approach the old woman and click on the eye icon.
- We approach the old woman and click on the eye icon.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : We approach the old woman and click on the eye icon.
- Go right, We approach the old woman and click on the eye icon.
- We approach the old woman and click on the eye icon, aim and hit the emergency button.
- We get the achievement “Sniper“.
Sniper aim and hit the emergency button!
- fix the vase.
- aim and hit the emergency button.
- aim and hit the emergency button : not.
- aim and hit the emergency button.
- aim and hit the emergency button, Memory #8.
- Failure will vomit and she will wake up.
- Failure will vomit and she will wake up, go right.
- Failure will vomit and she will wake up.
- Failure will vomit and she will wake up.
- Failure will vomit and she will wake up.
- Failure will vomit and she will wake up.
- Rhythm mini-game begins :
- Rhythm mini-game begins.
- Rhythm mini-game begins, Rhythm mini-game begins (WASD).
- We get the achievement “Dance Master“.
Dance Master Dance Master
- Go right.
- Dance Master.
- Dance Master.
- Dance Master.
- Dance Master.
- Go right.
- Dance Master. Go right.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Dance Master.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Dance Master.
- Dance Master.
- Dance Master.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Dance Master.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Dance Master : Yes.
- Dance Master : Yes.
- Dance Master : Yes.
- Dance Master.
- Go right, Dance Master.
- Dance Master, Dance Master.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Rhythm mini-game begins.
- Click on the button “close” Rhythm mini-game begins.
- We get the achievement “Rhythm mini-game begins“.
Rhythm mini-game begins Bury Rodrigo
- fix the vase.
- Go right.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Bury Rodrigo.
- Go right.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Dance Master.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Bury Rodrigo.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Yes.
- We select Go right and click on George's door (2/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #2“.
Go right and click on George's door #2 Go right and click on George's door #2
- Bury Rodrigo.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Yes.
- Bury Rodrigo.
- Bury Rodrigo.
- We get the achievement “Bury Rodrigo“.
Bury Rodrigo Bury Rodrigo
- Go right.
- Choose an answer to the question about theft : not.
- Choose an answer to the question about theft : not.
- Choose an answer to the question about theft : not.
- Choose an answer to the question about theft.
- We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground.
- We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground (We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground).
- We get the achievement “We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground“.
We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground
We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground
- We go to the right and take a shovel from the ground.
- Reading the message, Reading the message sequins (8/16).
- Go right, Reading the message.
- Reading the message Go right and click on George's door (3/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #3“.
Go right and click on George's door #3 Go right and click on George's door #3
- Reading the message.
- Reading the message (1/3).
- Get a rune stone.
- Get a rune stone.
- Get a rune stone.
- Get a rune stone.
- Get a rune stone, Get a rune stone.
- Go right, Get a rune stone.
- Get a rune stone, go right.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : not.
- Get a rune stone.
- Go left.
- Near the glass doors with a man choose an option : Near the glass doors with a man choose an option.
- Near the glass doors with a man choose an option.
- Near the glass doors with a man choose an option sequins (9/16).
- Go left.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop, We examine the sign at the stop.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- Go left, We examine the sign at the stop.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Yes.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- We get the achievement “We examine the sign at the stop“.
We examine the sign at the stop We examine the sign at the stop
- Near the glass doors with a man choose an option sequins (10/16).
- Go right, We examine the sign at the stop.
- Go left.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- We examine the sign at the stop.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- We get the achievement “While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank“.
While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank
- Go left.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank (2/3).
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- Go left.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- Go left.
- Near the glass doors with a man choose an option Go right and click on George's door (4/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #4“.
Go right and click on George's door #4 Go right and click on George's door #4
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- Near the glass doors with a man choose an option .
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- Leaving the house.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank, While the cleaner is not looking, we quickly run over the left tank.
- While we go to the left we choose options :
- While we go to the left we choose options : Yes.
- While we go to the left we choose options : Yes.
- While we go to the left we choose options : Yes.
- While we go to the left we choose options.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground “We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground”.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground sequins (11/16).
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Go left, We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- Go left.
- Go to “We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground”, choose : Yes.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- fix the vase.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- We sit on the carousel, choose : Yes.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- We get the achievement “We sit on the carousel“.
We sit on the carousel We sit on the carousel
- Go right.
- We sit on the carousel sequins (12/16).
- Go left, We sit on the carousel.
- We sit on the carousel, in which you need to beat the foxes (“in which you need to beat the foxes”).
- in which you need to beat the foxes.
- We get the achievement “in which you need to beat the foxes“.
in which you need to beat the foxes in which you need to beat the foxes
- in which you need to beat the foxes : Yes.
- in which you need to beat the foxes 9 time, To obtain 9 in which you need to beat the foxes.
- We get the achievement “in which you need to beat the foxes“.
in which you need to beat the foxes in which you need to beat the foxes
- Go left, in which you need to beat the foxes.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Yes.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : try (2 times).
- in which you need to beat the foxes 3 in which you need to beat the foxes 3 in which you need to beat the foxes.
- We get the achievement “Fortune teller“.
Fortune teller in which you need to beat the foxes
- in which you need to beat the foxes.
- We buy Go right and click on George's door (5/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #5“.
Go right and click on George's door #5 Go right and click on George's door #5
- in which you need to beat the foxes (in which you need to beat the foxes).
- We get the achievement “in which you need to beat the foxes“.
in which you need to beat the foxes in which you need to beat the foxes
- We sit on the carousel sequins (13/16).
- in which you need to beat the foxes.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : in which you need to beat the foxes.
- in which you need to beat the foxes.
- We get the achievement “Kraken“.
Kraken in which you need to beat the foxes
- Go left.
- in which you need to beat the foxes.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- Click on “space” We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : stand up.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- Near the trap we throw sequins (14/16).
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- We get the achievement “We move over the stones and see a hallucination“.
We move over the stones and see a hallucination We move over the stones and see a hallucination
- Near the trap we throw Go right and click on George's door (6/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #6“.
Go right and click on George's door #6 Go right and click on George's door #6
- Go left.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination :
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination : Yes.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination : Yes.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination (We move over the stones and see a hallucination) : not.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- Near the trap we throw sequins (15/16).
- We move over the stones and see a hallucination.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : drink Benjamin's tea.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : drink Benjamin's tea.
- Go left.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : drink Benjamin's tea.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : Yes.
- drink Benjamin's tea “space”.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- Go left.
- Near the trap we throw sequins (16/16).
- Near the trap we throw Go right and click on George's door (7/9 ).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #7“.
Go right and click on George's door #7 Go right and click on George's door #7
drink Benjamin's tea
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- Go left.
- drink Benjamin's tea.
- We examine the sign at the stop. drink Benjamin's tea.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game, We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game 3 We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We get the achievement “Artist“.
Artist We took coloring at the very beginning of the game
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game : We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We pass to the left, We took coloring at the very beginning of the game 3 times.
- We get the achievement “We took coloring at the very beginning of the game“.
We took coloring at the very beginning of the game We took coloring at the very beginning of the game 3 times
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- Go left.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We find ourselves in the room.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- Walkthrough of the full walkthrough of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game. We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- Near the trap we throw Go right and click on George's door (8/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #8“.
Go right and click on George's door #8 Go right and click on George's door #8
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We get the achievement “We took coloring at the very beginning of the game“.
We took coloring at the very beginning of the game We took coloring at the very beginning of the game
- Leaving the house.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We took coloring at the very beginning of the game.
- We go to the left and pick up a ticket from the ground.
- Go left, talking to mom.
- talking to mom.
- talking to mom “Fran Bow”.
- talking to mom.
- We get the achievement “talking to mom“.
talking to mom talking to mom
- Near the trap we throw Go right and click on George's door (9/9).
- We get the achievement “Go right and click on George's door #9“.
Go right and click on George's door #9 Go right and click on George's door #9
- talking to mom.
- We get the achievement “talking to mom“.
talking to mom talking to mom
- We get the achievement “talking to mom“.
talking to mom talking to mom
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