In this tutorial, I will show: where are the paintings, how to get them and how to place them in the puzzle.


About the guide…

Aloha, today I’ll tell you how to get through the main part of the game related to paintings and tell you absolutely everything about them and I’ll even chew on everything especially for you , so that even a fool can understand)))

1. Shailushai painting

She is situated in the hall, immediately to the left of the door. Actually the easiest picture in this game, I won't mess with him.

2. Skibidi Toilet Painting

She is situated in the starting location under Papic's bed. Just walk up to the lamp, located on the right side of the bed. Take her and she's yours.

3. Picture with wise oak

Exit Papic's bedroom, now remember this room). We don't need it yet, but it will come in handy later. Now let's go to the hallway, and take the key from the place in the screenshot.

3.1. Wise oak in a closed cabinet

Go to that room again which I told you to remember, turn your head to the left , Further go to the closet and open it, seeing the globe, turn left relative to it. That's where this picture lies!!!

4. Picture with a potbellied

Go into the living room (TV room) come to the couch, go to any lamp, look behind the sofa and see the picture.

4.1. Phys minute!

There's a key in this picture, which you need to pick up to get the painting “Capybara”. Just press tab, right-click on the picture and LMB take the key (deliberately degraded the quality of graphics , so you can see this key).

5. Picture of a capybara

She in the hallway in a closed bedside table to get the key read the paragraph 4.1.

6. Redan picture

Located in the living room in a closed nightstand next to the TV.

6.1. Picture “Redan”, puzzle solution

To get the key you need to solve the riddle in the closet., here is the solution:

How to arrange pictures?

The next step after collecting all the pictures is – arrange them in frames. These frames are in the living room and that, I was surprised myself , when I realized, that these are not just colored squares)))

Everything from left to right

What's next?

After all this ritual – they will open a chest from minecraft for us in which there will be a key card. It is located in the living room, in the very left corner, you can find it among many shelves


After removing the key from the chest, your lights will turn off and after that you will have to go to the basement, but that's another story…

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