In this Russian guide, I will describe all the roles and what they do.. Although I am a beginner myself, translating text is not a big problem for me.
I will refine this guide as all the roles are translated., so do not be surprised if at this stage there is not even half of.
NETSEC – it's not only hackers, but everyone who helps them, that is, roles that have this icon .
These same roles, if anything, you can see by clicking on your role or F1 only during the game.
NODE – is it a computer or a server, which hackers can crack. As a rule, it is easier to hack a computer than a server, and vice versa.. Therefore, in order not to say it all again, I will call them nodes.
Target NODE – node upon successful hacking of which NETSEC win, and agents lose.
Operation Leader
Daytime Abilities:
- Hack target(Hack the target) – computer hacking attempt(easier to hack) or server(harder to hack). Number of uses – infinitely.
- 0-day exploit(Exploit – day zero(verbatim)) – gives a 100% chance to hack the target. Kol-vo isp – 1.
- Grant root access(Issue root rights) – transfers his role to a certain player if you are killed or arrested. Kol-vo isp – 1(but it is not exactly, because. Possibly the ability to recharge if the original OPL was not killed).
Night abilities:
- Emergency extraction(Emergency evacuation) – gives immunity from any actions to a certain player for the night. Kol-vo isp – 3.
- Move hideout(Move hideout) – gives the player immunity from any actions at night. Kol-vo isp – 1.
- Not a snitch(Not a rat or a snitch) – passive, gives immunity to how I understand the disclosure of the role of others. Quite a strange ability, I have nothing more to say about her. The translator translates it like this.
Covert broadcast(Hidden broadcast) – Ability to send to all players at the same time.
With this role so far everything.
CCTV Specialist
Not a hacker, but can become it.
Daytime Abilities:
- Create hideout(Set up a shelter) – adds one charge to another Move hideout ability. Kol-vo isp – 2.
- Bait Law enforcement(Lure Agents) – Sends an anonymous hint that the target was used by the ability – is a member of NETSEC(hacker group). They'll probably think Bounty hunter did it., that's why this perk is quite useful. Kol-vo isp – 3.
- Desperate Measures(Desperate Measures) – the ability can only be used with 4-th day. After use, your role changes to Improvised hacker. Kol-vo isp – 1.
Night abilities:
- Move hideout(Move hideout) – gives the player immunity from any actions at night. Kol-vo isp – depends on how much you charged this ability with the Create hideout perk.
- Install CCTV Surveillance(install video surveillance) – used on humans, you visit him and set up surveillance that lets him know who visited him and if this is an agent then for you it may be game over. The ability works until the person is killed or uses Move hideout. Kol-vo isp – 2.
- Perform CCTV Surveillance(conduct video surveillance) – you start to follow the person tonight. You will learn, have your target been visited tonight. To use this ability, you must first use the Install CCTV Surveillance ability.
Daytime Abilities:
- Desperate Measures(Desperate Measures) – the ability can only be used from the 4th day. After use, your role changes to Improvised hacker. Kol-vo isp – 1.
Night abilities:
- Interrogate(To interrogate) – After use, in the morning you can read and use as you like the logs of the person on which the ability was used. Kol-vo isp – 3.
- Escort(Escort) – move target to new hideout. Gives immunity to arrest and murder. And something else about revenge for attempted murder, i don't know what it does. Kol-vo isp – infinitely.
- Disorganized Murder – try to kill the target on which the perk was used. Available from 4th night. Kol-vo isp – infinitely.
- Diversion(Sabotage, distracting maneuver) – you sacrifice yourself to save a person, who was accompanied by the Escort skill and you are arrested.
Inside man
Daytime Abilities:
- Plant keylogger(Install a keylogger) – put keyloggers in the organization. Can be dropped at night.
- Insider knowledge(Insider knowledge) – makes it possible to find out important information for NETSEC(TARGET NODE). A useful perk if there are too many cars to hack.
- Desperate Measures(Desperate Measures) – the ability can only be used with 4-th day. After use, your role changes to Improvised hacker. Kol-vo isp – 1.
Night abilities:
- Follow(Chase) – you will follow the person on which the perk was used and find out if the target has visited anyone. Kol-vo isp – 2.
- Retrive keylogger(Extract keylogger) – increases the chances of a successful hack the next day. Kol-vo isp – infinitely.
- Dumpster dive(Dive into the garbage from the data) – reduces the complexity of the random node if successful.
- Target knowledge(Knowledge of the goal) – after using the Insider knowledge perk, if TARGET NODE is connected to a hacked node, you will find out about it.
From .png
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