Magicite: Returning an old version

Long faced the dup problem, which completely breaks the game in co-op and kills the motivation to play, the developer has not removed the bug for several years, and safe pirates with the old version cannot be found, had to find a workaround.

In fact, nothing complicated, so everyone can figure it out.

We will return the version 1.6, but absolutely any (Well, while she is in the cloud).


Step 1: Installing drivers and programs

Previously, all this was done through the Steam console, but now, after a bunch of updates, have to install a couple of utilities:

.NET Core 3.1[]

We find such a sign (version does not matter, you can take a newer one), there, in column “Installers”, we choose the version that suits you.

.NET 5.0[]

Download in the same way, like the last.


Here, among these 3 files, we need to install “”, version is also not important.

After that, how we unzipped the contents into a separate folder, go to the next step.

Step 2: Installing the old version itself

Open the folder with the contents of the archive and write in the address bar “cmd”

Press enter and open the console:

!!! Team, which we introduce, will download the version 1.6, if you want another – go to section “Other versions”

Next we write “dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 268750 -depot 268751 -manifest 4929923876853045082 -username @@@ -password ***”,

where @@@ – your login from Steam
*** – your steam password

If you have double authentication (steam guard), then by the next message we introduce it:

After these steps, you should start installing. If the installation froze on 4-5%, just wait, the installation keeps running.
When is it over, such a message should appear:

If you get an error(image below), then repeat this step from the beginning

The old version of the game will be installed in the program folder:

Step 3: Synchronization with Steam

I will say right away: the game will not be permanent with the old version, ie. when reinstalling it, Steam will download the version 2.0, and when checking the integrity of the cache, the game will be updated to the version 2.0

What we need, to sync the old version with steam? Just download the game and delete all files from the game folder:

Then we throw it, what have installed:

Step 4: Examination

Push “play”

Choosing a resolution

Checking the version, in my case 1.6

From NikeJT

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