Tin Can: All possible ways to die

In this guide, I have written all the possible ways to die in tin can


Types of death
Let's analyze all possible types of death:
1. Hyperthermia
2. Hypothermia
3. Hypoxia / Anoxia
4. Radiation sickness
5. Electric shock
6. Capsule explosion (overpressure)
7. Hyperoxia

Cause of death: Capsule overheating
Method of obtaining: Capsule overheating, leaving the nuclear reactor on
Waiting time for death: 1-10 minutes

Hypoxia / Anoxia
Cause of death: Capsule overheating
Method of obtaining: Capsule overheating, and then open the CO2 bottle
Waiting time for death: 2-4 minutes

Radiation sickness
Cause of death: Capsule overheating
Method of obtaining: Open the main generator and remove the casing of the nuclear reactor. Remember to keep an eye on life support systems!
Waiting time for death: 7-9 minutes

Electric shock
Cause of death: Open the main generator and remove the casing of the nuclear reactor
Method of obtaining: Open the main generator and remove the casing of the nuclear reactor
Waiting time for death: 5-10 seconds

Capsule explosion
Cause of death: Excess atmospheric pressure
Method of obtaining: Excess atmospheric pressure
Waiting time for death: 15-30 seconds

Cause of death: Excess atmospheric pressure
Method of obtaining: Excess atmospheric pressure. Make sure that the pressure in the capsule does not rise too much!
Waiting time for death: 2-3 minutes

Cause of death:Hypothermia
Method of obtaining: Turn off the main generator and open the nitrogen tank. Make sure that the pressure in the capsule does not rise too much!
Waiting time for death: 2-6 minutes
From Tim_777

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