All achievements and tips for obtaining them.

In the game at the moment 12 achievements. 4 of which plot.
Achievements are easy.
After passing, you can always return to the desired chapter and get a certain achievement, if you missed it.
Of the bugs I have met only 1 game crash.

The yolk should be steamed!
This achievement can be obtained from chapters 1 to 3..
Just wait, until you get the achievement. (about 10 seconds)
Manet's birthday
Berta Morizo.
This achievement can be obtained from the 1st to the 4th chapters..
Click on the wall calendar to get the achievement 10 time.
Very advanced technology.
This achievement can be obtained from chapters 1 to 3..
Fill in the text, by pressing the Enter key.
Yellow sun.
Subject. It turns out automatically.

And understood, that this is not an option.
Press every button, so they all turn white.
A turning point
Fiery walls.
Subject. It turns out automatically.

Pale blue street.
Subject. It turns out automatically.

Let me out!
DO NOT TURN ON THE LAMP and press the handle, until you get the achievement. (about 10 time)
When you look into the abyss
The abyss itself looks into you.
In the second room, lift the camera up and look at the ceiling. I was given the achievement after holding the camera at the top for seconds 10.

Flege's Secret.
On this stage, you need to bring the camera closer to the sign..

A deeply hidden secret.
Subject. It turns out automatically.
Did you see the voice in the picture
You have unlocked all achievements.
If you haven't missed anything and followed the guide, then it's yours.
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