Guide for obtaining all achievements in the game “Jurassic World Evolution 2”.
Basic information obtained from user manual Thertex, if you wish, you can follow the link to his more detailed guide.
It is worth clarifying, that most of the achievements are extremely easy, and some are almost directly related to the gameplay of the game itself, therefore need no explanation.

Complete all story missions in the first region.

Complete all Story Missions in Region 2.

Complete all Story Missions in Region 3.

Complete all Story Missions in Region 4.

Complete all Story Missions in Region 5

Complete Jurassic Park on Chaos Theory.

Complete Jurassic Park: San Diego "in" Chaos Theory "mode

Complete Isla Sorna ("Object B")"In the" Chaos Theory "mode.

Complete Jurassic World on Chaos Theory.

Complete Return to Isla Nublar on Chaos Theory.

Complete the test 1 at the difficulty level "Jurassic".

Complete the test 2 at the difficulty level "Jurassic".

Complete the test 3 at the difficulty level "Jurassic".

Complete the test 4 at the difficulty level "Jurassic".

Complete the test 5 at the difficulty level "Jurassic".

Complete the test 1 at any difficulty level.

Complete the test 2 at any difficulty level.

Complete the test 3 at any difficulty level.

Complete the test 4 at any difficulty level.

Complete the test 5 at any difficulty level.

“Disarm the specimen manually.”
You can get it in absolutely any mode.
It is enough to switch to the capture command and manually neutralize any dinosaur.

Perform a manual physical examination of the individual.
This achievement can be obtained along with the achievement “I’m a Doctor / Skip, I am a doctor”, since after the medical examination you will need to cure the dinosaur.

Manually cure an individual from the disease.
Same as catching achievement, only now you need to cure the dinosaur, to do this, switch to manual control of the veterinary center transport, identify a disease in a dinosaur and cure it (do not forget that for the treatment of certain diseases, you need to have relevant research).

Complete the exploration task.
To receive this achievement, you must have an active research center., take any research, appoint a scientist and upon completion of the research – your achievement!

Release the pteranodon.
It is necessary to have a viable pteranodon genome and a poultry house with a poultry hatchery, deduce, ready!

Release the Mosasaurus.
Must have a viable mosasaur genome, lagoon and hatchery lagoon, deduce, release and ready!

Unleash Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Must have viable Tyrannosaurus rex genome and hatchery, withdraw and release, ready!

Release a genetically modified dinosaur (excluding appearance).
Before you breed any dinosaur, you must go to the section “Modify the genome” and change in the genome of the dinosaur anything other than color, save changes in the genome and breed a dinosaur, ready!

Release the dinosaur.
Bring and release any dinosaur.

Decode any genome on 100%.
It is necessary to send expeditions to collect fossils, if after the extracted genome it was not enough, just resubmit the expedition to the same location.

Help the employee reach the level 10 in the field of well-being.
Research Needed, allowing to train the scientists of the park, as soon as any employee has a parameter “wellbeing” will reach 10, your achievement.

Help the employee reach the level 10 in genetics.
Research Needed, allowing to train the scientists of the park, as soon as any employee has a parameter “genetics” will reach 10, your achievement.

Help the employee reach the level 10 in logistics.
Research Needed, allowing to train the scientists of the park, as soon as any employee has a parameter “logistics” will reach 10, your achievement.

Hit an individual with a tranquilizer dart at least 125 m.
The easiest way to do this is in the “Chaos theory” Isla-Sorna: “Object B”.
When you get the task to neutralize a large dinosaur, fly up to him and shoot him with a tranquilizer, the main thing is to keep a long distance (the dinosaur is large and it is not difficult to get even from a long distance, the main thing is to aim).
Once you get there from the right distance, your achievement.

Manually Disarm a Flying Reptile, left the house.
It is necessary to lower the comfort of any flying raptor below the threshold, as a result of which he leaves the poultry house. Switch to the capture team and neutralize the reptile.

Destroy a ranger car by reckless driving.
It is required to crash the car of the rangers, for this we intercept control and hit the car against any obstacle (building, fences, etc.)
Can be combined with achievement “As Light as a Feather / Flew”
When the machine is completely out of order, your achivka.

Awake in the air 5 seconds by ground transport ( within a 20 second window)
The easiest way to get this achievement is by changing the terrain., change terrain like so, so that it becomes even, and create 2 mountains with maximum slope, and between them make a deepening. It is necessary to climb one mountain by car and go down sharply ( you can put a boulder, so that the car hits him and probably starts to fall)
And you must get the achievement. keep repeating, until the achievement appears.

Collect in the park 2000 guests.
Available at “Chaos theory” Jurassic Park.
Build hotels, trading establishments, breed many different types of dinosaurs, increase the rating of the institution in all possible ways and people will reach out to you.

Design any of the following hybrids: indominus rex, indoraptor.
In the mode “Chaos theory” Jurassic World will be able to withdraw Indominus Rex, output and ready”

Place the following dinosaurs on one card: velociraptor, tyrannosaurus rex, indominus rex.
Dinosaur data can be easily displayed in “Chaos theory” Jurassic World.

Place on one card at least 50 living dinosaurs.
The easiest way to get this achievement, this is to breed dinosaurs of the species Strutiomim, since in the clutch they may have from 6 to 10 eggs immediately.
If you prefer predators, then output Compsognaths, the size of the masonry is about the same.

Release at least one of each dinosaur genus.
After unleashing any dinosaur in the game at least once (required for achievement 100% Database), you will also get this achievement.
If the achievement is not dropped, check the list in the achievement description “I Can See Everything / I see everything”

Complete the Jurassic World Database on 50%.
As you progress through the game, you will have new buildings open, illness, characters and of course dinosaurs, as soon as the database has 50 records, your achievement.

Complete the Jurassic World Database on 100%.
This achievement requires you to completely fill the Database.
In the Database of all dinosaurs, illness, buildings, etc. Most of all this data you will discover as you progress through the campaign, tests and “Chaos Theories”. Dinosaurs can provide the biggest challenge, because if you haven't opened any building, it will be written where exactly it can be opened how.
It's different with dinosaurs, you can guess what kind of dinosaur you are missing only by its silhouette, so i will list all dinosaurs and maps, where you can get them:
Thanks to Thertex user for this listing. / Thank user Thertex for this transfer.
CT JW – Chaos Theory: Jurassic Park
CT SD – Chaos Theory: San Diego
CT JW – Chaos Theory: Jurassic World
C1 – Challenge 1: Canada
C2 – Challenge 2: Germany
C3 – Challenge 3: United Kingdom
C4 – Challenge 4: Southwest EE.UU.
C5 – Challenge 5: West EE.UU.
Acrocanthosaurus: C4
Albertosaurus: C4
Allosaurus: CT JW, C4, C5
Amargasuarus: C1, C2, C5
Ankylosaurus: CT JW, C2, C3, C5
Apatosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C2, C3
Archaeornithomimus: CT JP, CT JW, C2, C5
Attenborosaurus (Deluxe DLC): CT JW, C1, C4
Baryonyx: CT JW, C1, C3, C4, C5
Brachiosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C2
Camarasaurus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C2
Carcharodontosaurus: C4, C5
Carnotaurus: CT SD, CT JW, C1, C3, C4, C5
Cearadactylus: C1, C3, C5
Ceratosaurus: CT JW, C1, C3, C4
Chasmosaurus: CT SD, C1, C2, C5
Chungkingosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C3, C5
Coelophysis: CT JP, CT SD, C3, C4
Compsognathus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C3, C4, C5
Corythosaurus: C5
Crichtonsaurus: CT SD, C1, C2, C3, C5
Cryolophosaurus: C4, C5
Deinonychus: C1, C4, C5
Dilophosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C4, C5
Dimorphodon: CT JW, C1, C2, C4
Diplodocus: CT JP, C2, C3
Dracorex: CT JW, C1, C2, C3, C4
Dreadnoughtus: CT JW, C2
Dryosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C2, C5
Edmontosaurus: CT JW, C1, C2, C5
Elasmosaurus: CT JW, C1, C2, C4
Euoplocephalus: CT JP, C2, C5
Gallimimus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C2, C3
Geosternbergia (Deluxe DLC): CT JW, C1, C2, C4
Giganotosaurus: CT JW, C1, C3, C4
Gigantspinosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C3, C5
Herrerasaurus: C1, C3, C4
Homalocephale: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
Huyangosaurus (Deluxe DLC): CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C5
Ichthyosaurus: CT JW, C1, C3, C5
Iguanodon: CT JP, C1, C3
Indominus Rex: CT JW, C4
Indoraptor: C4
Centrosaurus: C1, C3, C5
Liopleurodon: C1, C3, C5
Maaradactylus: C1, C3, C4, C5
Maiasaura: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C2, C5
Majungasaurus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C4, C5
Mamenchisaurus: CT SD, C1, C2
Megalosaurus (Deluxe DLC): CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C4, C5
Metriacanthosaurus: CT JP, CT JW, C1, C4
Mosasaurus: CT JW, C1, C2, C5
Muttaburrasaurus: C1, C2, C5
Nasutoceratops: CT JW, C1, C2, C3
Nigersaurus: C3
Nodosaurus: C1, C2, C3, C5
Olorotitan: CT JW, C1, C3, C5
Ouranosaurus: C1, C3
Pachycephalosaurus: CT SD, CT JW, C1, C2, C5
Pachyrhinosaurus (Deluxe DLC): CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C2, C3
Parasaurolophus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C3
Pentaceratops: C1, C2, C3, C5
Plesiosaurus: CT JW, C1, C2, C4
Polachanthus: C1, C2, C5
Proceratosaurus: CT JP, C1, C4
Pteranodon: CT JW, C1, C2, C4, C5
Qianzhousaurus: C1, C4
Sauropelta: C1, C3
Sinoceratops: CT JW, C2
Spinosaurus: C1, C4, C5
Stegosaurus: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C5
Struthiomimus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C2, C4
Stygimoloch: C1, C2
Styracosaurus: CT JP, C2, C3
Suchomimus: CT JP, CT SD, C1, C4, C5
tapejara: CT JW, C1, C2, C4
Torosaurus: C1, C2
Triceratops: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C2, C5
Troodon: CT SD, C4, C5
Tropeognathus: CT JW, C1, C3, C4, C5
Tsintaosaurus: C5
Tylosaurus: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
Tyrannosaurus Rex: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C3, C4
Velociraptor: CT JP, CT SD, CT JW, C1, C3, C4
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