Control Ultimate Edition: “Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission” solving puzzles

Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission “Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission”.
Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission, Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission, Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission.


Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission

After that, Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission, Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission. Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission.

Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission (Step-by-step description of solving puzzles in a side mission)

Remember to remove the Asynchronous Suit from the mannequin, which is given as a reward for defeating the Isle of Man. The observation room with dummies is located on the first tier of the same laboratory., where did you meet with jade, only in the real world.

Observation Room with Mannequins and Asynchronous Suit

Access to the collectible video will also be open. “Children from the Bureau”. Observation room with monitors on the second tier on the other side of the mirror.

The monitor is on showing interference

Puzzle “Entering a character”

There is a monitor on the other side of the mirror., pending character input. To solve the puzzle, you need to inspect this monitor in the real world and build the symbol depicted on it on the monitor on the other side of the mirror. Do not forget, that on the other side of the mirror everything, what do you see, is reflected.

The symbol on the monitor in the real world. Control panel to the left of the camera with a mirror.

The built symbol on the monitor on the other side of the mirror. Control panel to the right of the camera with a mirror.

After the correct construction of the symbol, a puff of depressurization of the container will be heard, located next to the control panel. The reward can be picked up from a container in any of the worlds.

Dropped Mods as a Reward

Puzzle “Newton's cradle”

On the second tier of the laboratory there is an observation room with two tables, on which six Newton's cradles are installed. The essence of the puzzle is, to make the balls in all cradles hit at the same time. It doesn't matter, from which side the ball will come in one or another cradle. the main thing, so that the sound of the impact is one, rather than shallow.

The easiest way:

  • calm all cradles except the middle one,
  • swing the other five cradles in turn, start swinging each one at that moment, when in the middle of them the ball hits the others,
  • stop the middle and sync with the rest. Before proceeding to the last point, visually verify, that all five rocking cradles move the same.

    Observation room with cradles in the real world. All cradles are in sync.

    Observation room with cradles on the other side of the mirror. The cradles also move to the beat.

    If everything is done correctly and the cradles beat to the beat, the screen will start to shake, imitating shaking. When moving away from the tables, the shaking force will fade away., increase with approach. Once the cradles are in sync both in the real world and on the other side of the mirror, a reward will be dropped.

    The received reward went to inventory

From Pavel

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