In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.. Hopefully, In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience..
T100920.650 In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

go to (In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.)

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience.

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Sunset top

Bald nose



Valley oil

Copper Caledonian

Dead Fingers








Trause common
Empress of the summer
Daisy sorrel
Bright eye

✿ Extinguisher✿ Bright Eye
✿ Daisy sorrel
Elixir of the Damned:
✿ Kaballiya
Ран Drantium
Ло Klohtanka
Elixir of Saint Quentin:
✿ Candlestick
✿ Sheep catch
✿ Daisy sorrel
Elixir of submission:
✿ Witch Fyugg
✿ Witch Fyugg
✿ Witch Fyugg
Elixir Dendrew:
✿ Bells
✿ Witch Fyugg
✿ Cardinal hat
Black Shroud Elixir:
✿ Tum
✿ Sturian
✿ Twilight Lepiota
Ps: Location Black Shroud Monastery – I12.

The characters must go in the following order:
Day 6. T100920.650, T100920.650 go to(go to) T100920.650 Sunset top.
Day 12. T100920.650 In this guide, I have collected information from various sources and my own experience..
Day 14. T100920.650 go to.
Day 15. T100920.650 go to.
Day 16. When Verona tells you, go to, go instead to go to(go to) and use Elixir Dendrew.
Day 16. Go to the ritual place go to(go to) and use five plants to perform the ritual.

Day 4. Give Faye go to.
Day 13. Give it to Simone go to. She will give you the Elixir of Control recipe..
Day 15. Give it to the woman in the jade mask go to.
Day 16. When Verona tells you, go to, go instead to stone circle of the Daughters(stone circle of the Daughters). Give it to the woman in the jade mask Dexterity, Give it to the woman in the jade mask stone circle of the Daughters.
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