Faceless Varre Quest, Faceless Varre Quest,Faceless Varre Quest

Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress(Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress)
there is 2 option,Where are you,Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress(Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress).
1.Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress
2 Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress(Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress)
Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress
Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress
2.Talk to NPC Two Fingers in the Round Table Fortress
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil.
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil(to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil)

to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil, to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil. later.
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil
to pass this tower you need to either quickly run or use a veil

level and weapons you do not have
level and weapons you do not have
level and weapons you do not have
after that,level and weapons you do not have,level and weapons you do not have

level and weapons you do not have

level and weapons you do not have(level and weapons you do not have) level and weapons you do not have

level and weapons you do not have 1 time

level and weapons you do not have 1 level and weapons you do not have

level and weapons you do not have 2 time

level and weapons you do not have,location(level and weapons you do not have).

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