100% Kill It With Fire achievements

Since there are no Russian manuals for this game, decided to help future players, who want to play this game, and translated and described, how to get all existing achievements.


1. First contact

(Play a melody.)
In the first level, hit the piano with a notepad several times..

  1. in the left cabinet near the TV, which requires two kills to open. ( Protein cocktail )

2. Close combat

The last warning
(Burn the money in the safe.)
Once you find the secret room and complete the tasks, to open the safe, just use a spray can and burn money.

  1. Printed circuit board – under the bed in the first large bedroom ( P.A.U.K.O.D.A.R. )
  2. Present – in a secret room in the same bedroom in a closet ( Cargo Shorts )


  • in the nightstand, to the left of the large bed, in the second box
  • in the upper right drawer in the dresser of the master bedroom
  • inside the trash can in the office
  • behind a pillow on a green armchair in the office
  • to the left of the desktop in the office, in the corner
  • in the secret room in the study

3. Home routines

No means no
(Kill the jumping spider in the air.)
This achievement is easy to get by accident.. Just swing any melee weapon near one of these spiders. You can also use an energy drink, to slow down time and kill it in the air.

To shine
(Break ALL the plates.)
It's really hard, especially if you don't know, where to find the last plate. All utensils, except one, located inside the kitchen, the last – located outside the laundry window, at the grill (the window can be broken).
“Can't decide, what the game defines as utensils? I had no idea either. Just hit it all, what might break.”

  1. Present – inside the dryer, to open which you need to complete three tasks ( Gel insoles )
  2. Printed circuit board – inside the trash can in the garage ( module “Sigma” )


  • in the lower right drawer of a brown chest of drawers
  • in the closet, to the right of the stove, inside the pan
  • on a chair near the dining table, closer to the pizza
  • in the microwave
  • inside the washing machine
  • between the dryer and the blue laundry basket
  • inside the gray toolbox

4. Significant inconvenience

Those who took the sword…
(Kill the explosive spider from C4.)
If you find a secret room on the second level, then there was C4, as a new weapon. Just scatter it, switch to remote and blow up the spiders.

Oil boom
(Destroy the gas station.)
When you open the blue container and see the filling counters, use any ranged weapon, shooting them, and wait, until they explode.

On the horizon
(Shoot a spider with a revolver from a long distance.)
You can get this achievement at any of the levels., I just got it exactly at this level. Easiest in a more open area. You can also use an energy drink, slowing down time, to have time to aim at the spider, until he ran away.

  1. Present – inside the right street toilet ( Kerosene soaked bullets )
  2. Printed circuit board – in the gutter to the right of the exit ( Deuterium batteries )


  • inside the trash can, near the entrance
  • in the right locker behind the cash register
  • under the front right wheel of the truck
  • behind the yellow container
  • inside the trash can
  • inside the tent behind the red container
  • behind the left street toilet
  • on a wheelchair on the street
  • in the drain to the left of the wheelchair

5. The flowers of Evil

(Mow the bush maze.)
Burn most of the labyrinth walls

Blind Themis
(Kill the spider after, how he enmeshes you in cobwebs.)
Take advantage of cheese balls and, when the spider enmeshes you in cobwebs, try hitting it with a notepad or frying pan.

  1. Printed circuit board – behind the second unlocked door in the corner ( Arachnodex )
  2. Present – inside the sanctuary ( Huge magnet )


  • behind a small stone statue near the entrance
  • behind the torch statue, closest to the entrance
  • first fork. behind a stone, around him.
  • behind the tallest rose tree
  • on the railing behind the sanctuary
  • next to the bamboo in front of the sanctuary
  • behind the stone statue, near the second unlocked door

6. Storming the barn

That's all, guys
(Kill the spider, dropping an anvil on him.)
Attach two or three balls to the anvil, to make it fly, and then sprinkle cheese balls under it. Wait, until the spider approaches the bait, and burst the balloons with any weapon.

Heir to the throne
(Transform the Queen's Spiderling into a Queen.)
Kill the Spider Queen, then scatter the royal grapes. When little white spiders come out of the Queen and eat these grapes, then they will turn back to the Queen.

  1. Printed circuit board – inside a brown chest to the right of the entrance ( Cobra )
  2. Present – in a locker in a barn ( Mirror sight )


  • under the table to the right of the entrance, where and above, and brown pots underneath
  • behind a flower under the inscription Veges
  • for hay in front of the greenhouse
  • inside a box near the greenhouse
  • in the back of the greenhouse
  • in the garage on trays under the table
  • behind the hay in the barn
  • behind the toilet lid of the left outdoor toilet
  • behind the hay in the barn

7. Paper trail

(Destroy the printer with an RPG.)
At the end of the level you will be given an RPG, but to open which you need to complete tasks. Then just find the printer in the office and destroy it.

  1. Printed circuit board – in the men's room ( Laser )
  2. Present – under the table in the conference room near the red chair ( lamp )


  • on the nightstand in the starting location
  • in the top drawer
  • in the second location behind the computer monitor, which is in the last booth on the left
  • on the shelf in the server room, to the right of the computer
  • in the left urinal of the men's room
  • in the microwave
  • on a table near a red chair in a conference room
  • under a stack of papers on the shelf at the entrance to the conference room from the office

8. Procedure “CS-Omega”

Below the average
(Drive the ball into the hole.)
The first, what will you see at this level, – this is a very, very small golf course. Just take the ball and throw it into the hole.

To be sure
(Perform the "ChS-Omega" procedure.)

  • top left drawer in the start office
  • inside the urn in the bathroom
  • on the floor to the right of the mini-fridge
  • on the floor behind the control panel
  • on the gun table
  • on the floor under the table in the break room
  • behind the monitor on the right after entering the research room

9. Effects

We are closed
(Shoot down all the letters that say Kill It With Fire HQ.)
On the street, the store will have this inscription. Just shoot letters and they'll fall. You can also use the found drone and shoot down all the letters.

  1. Present – in stock behind the speakers ( micro-mode )
  2. in the next office ( goose mode and nuclear generator )
  3. in the office on the ground floor ( arachnoscope and cargo pants )
  4. under the van ( mystery hunter )


  • in the bottom drawer near the stairs
  • in the corner near the next office
  • in the next office
  • on a shelf in an office on the ground floor
  • on a table with speakers
  • scattered on the sidewalk in front of the building with the inscription

Cumulative achievements

Delicate hunter
(Kill all kinds of spiders.)
Quite simple: kill spiders and level up “Paper trail” get this achievement.

High voltage
(Find batteries)

Unforeseen consequences
(Meet the music face to face.)
You need to go through absolutely all the spider pits.

(Find all the condiments.)

Great insect repellent
(Find all the equipment.)

The power of savvy
(Find all the improvements.)

Knowledge is power
(Find all the detector improvements.)

A note on the last four achievements:
Finding all the weapons / seasonings / upgrades in the levels is pretty easy, but the most recent are at the level “Effects” and are issued only after, how do you collect all the Christmas decorations! There are seven of them:

  1. in the start office behind the monitor
  2. in the next office between the window and the drawer
  3. behind large boxes before going outside
  4. on the lantern right after, how did you go outside
  5. on the highest column near the blue van
  6. there is an inscription on one of the letters on the building
  7. and the hardest to find – in the corridor outside the door of the start office:))))


Remaining achievements

Lilliput Commando
(Complete the mission in micro mode.)
Micro mode – one of the improvements, which is at the level “Effects”. Activate it for the required number of points and you can complete any level. The easiest level to complete in this small size – of course, first! Use any weapon to kill spiders and be sure to use the exit, for the game to know, that you have passed this level!

(Expanding on 360 degrees, kill a spider with an assault rifle without aiming.)
Pretty hard, but probably. As many suggested in the comments to the English language manual: “Take advantage of micro mode. Scatter cheese balls on the level and, as soon as the spider approaches, drink an energy drink, take a rifle, target the spider, turn around on 360 and try to shoot him”.
I, by the way, used the same advice. So I can only wish you good luck with the implementation.!

From BOOka

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