Force Blade Action Flowchart, to charge and discharge it in High Damage!
How to view Power Blade guides, so there is usually either a wall of text or video on 30-40 minutes. Basic strikes… cloud of nuances… and generally speaking, everything is very, very difficult. There are really many nuances, but here's a simple sequence of actions, to charge and discharge large damage to the monster.

so. Here, what we need!
1. Warm up sword, so that he accumulates energy. Pinch B and let go in time. But the most efficient way B – Y + B – B. The glasses turn red in one series.
2. Redirect sword energy in glasses. RT+B
3. Fill the Shield with glasses! Y – Y + B -Y + B – RT
4-5. Warm up the sword again and charge the flasks.
6. DISCHARGE all the accumulated energy into the monster!!! Y – Y + B -Y + BIt's enough, to go into battle and hone your skills.
Observe, that you Charge the shield with the same combination, how you discharge the flasks with the final blow, just push the Shield button (RT) in the end. In fact, you are not discharging flasks into a monster., and in the shield.
If there are flasks, and the Shield is not charged, they can also be discharged into the monster one by one, just the damage will not be so big.
When you have a charged SHIELD, you can also charge a Sword from it. RT+B – Y (don't hold Y too long). This is useful, to add damage to simple sword strikes.
There are also combinations for ax mode in the scheme., but the ax mode is slow and without a shield, so it's better to be in it, when the monster lies and is open to attack.
It is generally much more profitable to run with a sword and shield..
Don't forget to block (RT)
Perhaps further it makes sense to ask, what are Guard Points
From Roman Guro
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