Written based on Maximilian's playthrough.
- the choice of genius and island for these achievements is not important (I passed for Maximilian)
- Both DLCs included, but this is not essential for achievements
- Didn't check, but you can screw up the achievement "My personal museum" if some of your items are stolen. Do not place them in the treasury or in the entrance rooms where thieves can easily enter., this also applies to items traps, they tried to steal from me the item "Fire of Prometheus" which is the subject of a trap
- training missed
- version of the game when writing the guide 1.5.0-1.5.2
- you may not get a quest for a new henchman due to the fact that all slots are occupied
- kill minions with genius
- “Heat” will not appear if run “More fire”, you need to follow the story until both of these tasks are available.
- Yadernaya Olga must be alive to receive the assignment “Time forward”
- Minion Clara Jones is needed to receive the quest “Earthly kingdom”. Karl Kafar is not required to achieve the minions, but it will not give you the achievement “My personal museum”
- Espectro to achieve “Hire them all” not needed.
- for achievement “My personal museum” items available without DLC are used
It is better to achieve the appearance of all special agents on the map on the first pack of tasks, to do this, perform actions on the map to increase the attention of the law enforcement forces in the region where there is no special agent.
- Nuclear Olga – region MOLOT
- Symmetry – GORN region
- Azul Santos – COB region
- Once Valita – SWORD region
- Agent X – PATRIOT region
- Agent Steel – not tied to the region, appears when open 2 or 3 any super agent
👷♂ "Broad Thinking" (scientist)
👷♂ "Gain Strength" (security)
👷♂ "Coverage Zone" (lacquers)
👷♂ "What's not broken" (technician)
Then choose one of the four tasks for the henchman
⚔ "Hire a Son" (Eli Barakuda)
⚔ "Hire a Swordsman" (Dubey)
⚔ "Hire Your Computer" (IRIS, I usually choose it because it is a free camera to call security anywhere in the shelter.
⚔ "Hire a fan" (Janet Bomb)
⚙We carry out the plot before the assignment “Traditional Approach”
4 missions for minions 👷♂
5 quests with loot 💎
7 missions for minions ⚔
👷♂ "A Matter of Life and Death" (biologist)
👷♂ "Hired labor" (mercenary)
👷♂ "From the villainous information bureau" (propagandist)
👷♂ "You don't need enemies with friends like that" (secular lion)
💎 "Board" Heel 1 "
💎 "In our syrups" (networks are required in the PATRIOT regions)
💎 "Chthonic meteorite" (necessary 15 scientists)
💎 "Declaration of Patriotism" (availability is required Agent X on the map and the second level of networks in the PATRIOT regions)
💎 "Blade of the past future" (Free when playing as Emma, for the rest, you need Atomic Olga on the map)
⚔ "The Man with the Silver Gun" (the task 1 on Eli Barracuda)
⚔ "Barrack for the Barracuda" (the task 2 on Eli Barracuda)
⚔ "Be like the wind! Evil, bloodthirsty wind. " (the task 1 on Dubey)
⚔ "Ace in the sleeve" (the task 1 on Incendio)
⚔ "Parting with Hope" (the task 1 militants: Expect) (DLC)
⚔ "To the teeth" (Expect + Armor-piercing Jackie) (DLC)
⚔ "Feasting Shark" (Expect + Sir Daniel) (DLC)
at the time of completion of all tasks should be received 5 artifacts
⚙We carry out the plot before the assignment “A minute of rest”
2 loot quests 💎
7 missions for minions ⚔
12 super agent tasks 🕵️♂
⚔ "The Book of Eli" (final task for Eli Barracuda, alternative "Death of the Barracuda", but when you complete it, you can forget about the achievement for minions and loot)
💎 "The Decisive Grain of Sand"
💎 "For freedom and justice" (is necessary Eli Barracuda in contributors)
⚔ "Unwanted guests" (the task 2 on Incendio, at the end of the mission, you can take prisoner or kill, if you need an achievement, then we choose the first option)
⚔ "Windy Wars: The wind strikes back " (the task 2 on Dubey)
⚔ "The place of death cannot be changed" (the task 1 on Fugu Furukavu)
⚔ "Technical difficulties" (the task 1 on Janet Bombu)
⚔ "Just a bomb" (Expect + Janet Bomb) (DLC)
🕵️♂ "Daughter of the peaceful atom" (the task 1 Nuclear Olga)
🕵️♂ "Atomic Age" (the task 2 Nuclear Olga)
🕵️♂ "Symmetrical answer" (the task 1 Symmetries)
🕵️♂ "Spy Trap" (the task 2 Symmetries)
🕵️♂ "El corazon del luchador" (the task 1 Azul Santosa)
🕵️♂ «Technique and ore» (the task 2 Azul Santosa)
🕵️♂ «Parting» (the task 1 Raz Valita)
🕵️♂ "Permit for demolition" (the task 2 Raz Valita)
🕵️♂ "Stars and Stripes Fail" (the task 1 Agent X)
🕵️♂ "Uncle Sam" (the task 2 Agent X)
🕵️♂ "Forged steel" (the task 1 agents Steel)
🕵️♂ "Steel Magnolias" (the task 2 agents Steel)
at the time of completion of this batch of tasks should be received 7 artifacts, and 2 contributor
⚙We carry out the plot before the assignment “Smashed, how is my heart”
3 loot quests 💎 *
4 missions for minions ⚔
*Do not complete the task "More fire" in this pack if you need an achievement for loot, complete after the quest "Frying" from the next pack
💎 "Hungry Heart"
💎 "For seven locks" (to appear, you need to lower your attention on the map several times, not sure, but possible only in the PATRIOT regions)
⚔ "Who hunts the hunter?» (the task 1 on Sir Daniela)
⚔ "Technical difficulties 2: Electrical limit " (the task 2 on Janet Bombu)
⚔ "Compliment from the boss" (the task 2 on Fugu Furukavu, at the end of the mission, you can take prisoner or kill, if you need an achievement, then we choose the first option)
⚔ "Fiery Passion" (the final task on the Incendio, if he was previously captured)
at the time of completion of this batch of tasks should be received 9 artifacts, and 3 contributor
⚙We carry out the plot before the assignment “A minute of respite”
4 missions for minions 👷♂
12 quests with loot 💎
12 missions for minions ⚔
7 super agent tasks 🕵️♂ *
*mission "Nuclear Disruption" 4 final task Nuclear Olga, do not complete until the task "Time Forward"(5I'm a pack of tasks) if you need an achievement for loot
👷♂ "Quantum Leap" (Quantum chemist)
👷♂ "Karate is a guarantee of health" (Hand-to-hand fighter)
👷♂ «Killer: Thoughtless killer " (Killer)
👷♂ "Entry Agent" (Counterintelligence officer)
💎 "Heat" (available if the task "More fire" has not been completed earlier)
💎 "More fire" (task from the third pack)
💎 "Non-Easter Eggs" (required 10 biologists + network in the eastern region MOLOT)
💎 "Bone marrow" (required 20 biologists)
💎 "Honorable teacher" (required Once Valita on the map and the completed task for biologists)
💎 "Philosopher's Stone" (required 15 hand-to-hand fighters)
💎 "Wonilin" (you need to complete the first task Daniel's Sera "Who hunts the hunter?»)
💎 "What is my name?» (keep in stock 300k, 200k or 100k depending on the difficulty of the game, in the patch 1.5.2 the requirement applies to Maximilian)
💎 "Served to eat" (requires a network in the southern region of the GORN and a completed mission for propagandists)
💎 "Duplicity" (you need to complete a task on killers)
💎 "Crown of the Pharaoh" (a completed task for biologists is required)
💎 "Call to the carpet" (networks are required in all regions of the GORN)
⚔ "Scenic Passions" (the task 1 on Clara Jones)
💎 "The Evil Genius and the Forty Thieves" (required completed first task for Clara Jones and the second task Symmetries)
⚔ "First time in first grade" (final task for Dubey, alternative "The End of Old Man Dzubei", but when you complete it, you can forget about the achievement for minions)
⚙ got rid of Incendio what to keep 2 minion slots open
⚔ "Fugu in your pocket" (final task for Fugu Furukavu, if she was previously captured)
⚙ got rid of Fugu Furukavy what to keep 2 minion slots open
⚔ "The Temptation of Art" (the task 1 on Karla Kafar)
⚔ «)!(4H3TT4 60M64» (final task for Janet Bombu, server reset alternative, but when you complete it, you can forget about the achievement for minions)
⚔ "Green Technologies" (the task 1 of the doctor Magnolia Min)
⚔ "Hochulia, Can I" (the task 2 of the doctor Magnolia Min, at the end of the mission, you can take prisoner or kill, if you need an achievement, then we choose the first option)
⚔ "Every hunter wants to know" (the task 2 on Sir Daniela, at the end of the mission, you can take prisoner or kill, if you need an achievement, then we choose the first option)
⚔ "Phantom Chance" (the task 2 on Expect) (DLC)
⚙ got rid of Eli Barracuda what to keep 2 minion slots open
⚔ "Spirited Away" (final task for Expect) (DLC)
⚙ got rid of Expect what to keep 2 minion slots open
🕵️♂ "Steel Wave" (the task 3 agents Steel)
🕵️♂ "Stars and Stripes Fail" (the task 3 Agent X)
R «Rfz-dva-lita» (the task 3 Raz Valita)
🕵️♂ "Fight without rules" (the task 3 Azul Santosa)
🕵️♂ "Where is the symmetry?» (the task 3 Symmetries)
🕵️♂ "Nuclear seal" (the task 3 Nuclear Olga)
at the time of completion of this batch of tasks should be received 22 in the artifact, 3 contributor i 4 slain henchman(3 without DLC)
⚙We carry out the plot before the assignment “Krastolovka”
5 quests with loot 💎
4 minions quests ⚔
⚔ "Hunt for the most dangerous animal" (final task for Sir Daniela)*
💎 "Eternal values"
💎 "One head is good" (requires a network in the southern region of UDAR)
💎 "My name is bee"
💎 "Time Ahead" (required 10 quantum chemists + Nuclear Olga alive)
💎 "Creation of good"
⚙ got rid of Dubey what to keep 2 minion slots open
⚔ "Stolen Magnolia" (final task Dr. Min)
⚙ got rid of Dr. Min what to keep 2 minion slots open
⚔ "Knowledge – force » (the task 2 on Clara Jones, at the end of the mission, you can take prisoner or kill, if you need an achievement, then we choose the second option. Alternative "Body Snatcher" quest 2 on Karla Kafar, but then in 6 the pack will not see the task "Earthly Kingdom" and the achievement for loot will not be completed. Karl and Clara are equivalent for reaching for henchmen.)
🕵️♂ "Nuclear Disruption" (final task Nuclear Olga. FROM 4 task packs. Before the murder Nuclear Olga on a magnet trap, you can interrogate her on a fire trap to get the achievement “Fire, more fire!»If not received yet) (optional)
* I do it first as on patches 1.5.0, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 I caught the bug more than once, if you complete any other task of this pack, then it disappears and Sir Daniel does not appear in the list of minions received, accordingly, the achievement cannot be obtained.
at the time of completion of this batch of tasks should be received 27 artifacts, 3 contributor i 6 slain henchmen(5 without DLC)
⚙We carry out the plot before the assignment “Minute of preparation”
5 quests with loot 💎
5 minions quests ⚔
5 super agent tasks 🕵️♂
💎 "Tsar's gift" (required 40 technicians)
💎 "Play from the box" (networks are required in all regions of MOLOT)
⚔ "Clara Jones and the Evil Genius" (final task for Clara Jones)
💎 "Earthly Kingdom" (required Clara Jones as a henchman)
⚔ "Queen of Heavy Metal" (the task 1 on Armor Piercing Jackie)
⚔ "Arms Race" (the task 2 on Armor Piercing Jackie)
⚔ "With a kind word and a gun" (final task for Armor Piercing Jackie», upon completion, you should immediately receive the achievement "Hire them all". Alternative to the quest "Recoil", but in this case, the achievement for the minions cannot be obtained)
🕵️♂ "Cross on the grave of an agent" (final task Agent X, required for "Alien Good")
💎 "Alien Good" (it takes dead Agent X)
🕵️♂ "Ruins of Raz Valya" (final task Raz Valita, required for King Solomon Miner)
💎 "Miner of King Solomon" (it takes a dead Once Valita + availability of quantum chemists. Upon completion, you should immediately receive the achievement "My Personal Museum")
🕵️♂ "Dangerous Tango" (final task Azul Santosa) (not necessary)
🕵️♂ "Unequal weight" (final task Symmetries) (not necessary)
🕵️♂ "Melting point of steel" (final task Agents Steel) (not necessary)
at the time of completion of this batch of tasks should be received 32 artifacts, 5 contributors i 6 slain henchmen(5 without DLC)
⚙It remains to complete the quest storyline
From andy1650
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