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Roadside tiles

Receiving: have on the map 3 swamps.
Features of the: when passing by you get 1 potion; In the battle, a witch will appear on the highlighted cells around this structure.
Features of the: when passing by you get 1 potion; In the battle, a witch will appear on the highlighted cells around this structure.
Landscape tiles

Receiving: occurs for every 7 deserts / dunes.
Features of the: each circle creates a gritty spirit; spirit can be transported to any battle with a chance of 33%.
Features of the: each circle creates a gritty spirit; spirit can be transported to any battle with a chance of 33%.
Receiving: put together a desert / dune tile with a forest / thicket tile.
Features of the: enemies have on 2% less damage (but not more 50%); enemies get 2% attack speed (but not more 50%).
Features of the: enemies have on 2% less damage (but not more 50%); enemies get 2% attack speed (but not more 50%).

The emergence: participates in battle, if it passes on the allocated squares around the Witch's Hut.
Resources received: living fiber.
The emergence: can be summoned by the Witch during combat, if there is a free slot.
Resources received: piece of craft.
The emergence: each circle is created by the ziggurat.
Resources received: mournful remains, shard of time.
From Agony
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