This guide contains a set of custom achievements for Lambda Wars. If you have completed all available achievements – these challenges are for you. Achievements are sorted by difficulty level and will be suitable for each player. The list of challenges will continue to grow. Happy reading!
Skills. 1 – Simple Challenges
This is where the challenges with a simple level of difficulty begin.
Challenges of the first level – the lightest and do not require much effort to complete them
When completing all level achievements 1 you get the title “Soldier Lambda Wars”
Challenges of the first level – the lightest and do not require much effort to complete them
When completing all level achievements 1 you get the title “Soldier Lambda Wars”
Need more gold

To achieve this achievement, you need to accumulate a thousand assets. (checkboxes) in any match in modes “Destruction”, “Competitive” and “Base Defense” regardless of the chosen race
Master Cinta

To complete this achievement, you need to win an FFA match. (every man for himself) of eight players per mode “Destruction” or “Competitive” regardless of the chosen race
Invincible Army

To complete this achievement, you need to be in any match and any mode. (except for the sandbox) for the Combine race, gather an army of 16 live striders
Skills. 2 – medium challenges
At this level, medium difficulty challenges begin.
Second level – achievements of increased complexity. Their implementation takes effort.
When you complete all the achievements of the second level, you will receive the title “Veteran Lambda Wars”
Second level – achievements of increased complexity. Their implementation takes effort.
When you complete all the achievements of the second level, you will receive the title “Veteran Lambda Wars”
Engineering and Intelligence Union

To complete this achievement, you need to win match 1×1 in mode “Destruction” or “Competitive” for the Rebels race, creating only engineers, scouts and any buildings
Carpet Bombing

To complete this achievement, you need to be in any match and any mode. (except for the sandbox) for Combine race at the same time run 20 headcrab shells (of 20 mines)
You don't need more

To complete this achievement, you need to win match 1×1 “Destruction” or “Competitive” for the Combine race, creating only stalkers and any buildings
Who Needs Metal?

To complete this achievement, you need to win any match in “Destruction or “Competitive”, without mining metal and creating units only for property (flags) regardless of race
Out of the frying pan into the fire

To complete this achievement, you need to win any match and any mode. (except for the sandbox) for the Rebels race, creating only engineers, partisan with molotov, flamethrowers and any buildings
I hate robots!

To complete this achievement you need to go solo in match 1×2 (or 1×3, 1×4) in mode “Destruction” or “Competitive” defeat two or more difficult bots, who should play for different races (one for Combine, second behind Rebels)
Good boy

To complete this achievement, you need to be in any match and any mode. (except for the sandbox) kill 30 enemy units with one of your dogs
Skills. 3 – complex challenges
Challenges of difficult difficulty level begin from this level.
Third level – very difficult achievements. Their implementation requires you to have a very high skill in playing Lambda Wars..
When you complete all the achievements of the third level, you will receive the title “Colonel Lambda Wars”
Third level – very difficult achievements. Their implementation requires you to have a very high skill in playing Lambda Wars..
When you complete all the achievements of the third level, you will receive the title “Colonel Lambda Wars”
On Bread And Water

To complete this achievement, you need to win any match in “Destruction” or “Competitive” not capturing any control points regardless of race
Your house – My house

To complete this achievement, you need to win any match in “Destruction” or “Competitive”, only by breaking into all the buildings of the enemy (without destruction), and laying TNT at the citadel or headquarters playing as the Rebels race
Note – if you complete the achievement in team matches – it is necessary for the whole team to use saboteurs
Unequal Combat

To complete this achievement, you need×2 (or 1×3, 1×4) in mode “Destruction” or “Competitive” win alone
And it's all?

To complete this achievement, you need to survive the twenty-first wave of base defense mode on hard difficulty.
(on this wave at hard difficulty, mass striders / dogs / giant headcrabs / ant lion bosses appear)
Skills. 4 – extreme challenges
From this level, the challenges of a terrible and almost impossible level of difficulty begin.
Fourth level – achievements, the execution of which only the masters of Lambda Wars can do, known throughout the game. Their implementation requires superhuman efforts from you..
When you complete all the achievements of the fourth level, you will receive the title “Legend of the Lambda Wars”
Fourth level – achievements, the execution of which only the masters of Lambda Wars can do, known throughout the game. Their implementation requires superhuman efforts from you..
When you complete all the achievements of the fourth level, you will receive the title “Legend of the Lambda Wars”
Fortress Builder

To complete this achievement, you need to survive and survive the thirtieth wave in base defense on hard difficulty regardless of race.
Legend of the Lambda Wars

To complete this achievement, you need×4 in mode “Destruction” or “Competitive” defeat four difficult bots without using defensive structures (barricades, machine guns, etc.)
Impossible Possible?

To complete this achievement, you need×1 for Combine race, defeat another player, creating only subjects and any buildings
Conqueror of Lambda Wars

To complete this achievement, you need to win 100 matches in a row in “Destruction” and “Competitive”
Thank you for your time!

To complete this achievement, you need to rate this guide ^ _ ^ Leave your comments, whatever achievements you add to Lambda Wars, if they fit well – I will add them to the manual with your attribution!
If you notice any mistake in the manual – write about it to me, in private messages or in the comments. Thank you!
From D0K (not a)
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