With this simple guide, you will be able to build your line in The BUS editor.
Editors and plans.


Next, under the dividing strip, we do the same., but the squares there will be dark green, this is the reverse route.
Set the squares, press "ESC" and get to the initial page of the "SCHEDULE" tab. We carefully look to the right and see from the side a vertical strip with the inscription "SAT" and an arrow on the very edge. Look at the picture and click on the arrow circled in red.
Clicked and we get to the same schedule, only now this is a weekend schedule. Click on the gray field and do the same, what only, what did you do in the schedule "Monday-Friday". Arrange the squares in the same way., top route there, down from there.
It would seem everything, but no, this is a movie with a twisted plot, look again to the right and see again a vertical strip with the inscription "SUN, HOL "and see another arrow. This is a schedule for holidays and school days. Click and do the same thing again, what did you do with the schedule for "Monday-Friday" and "weekends". I.e, we need to make a schedule in three tabs. It looks complicated, but in fact we do the same thing three times. Nothing can be done about it, this is the way.

All done, close this page and again find ourselves on the "ROUTES" tab. We see, that there are lines "SAT" and "SUN, WHERE", you need to do the same with them. We open "SAT", we plan the route in the same way, how they did it in the MON-FRI window. Do not forget, that you need to create two routes, one forward, another back. We look at the pictures, on them it is visible, that in the first picture the route is laid ahead, and on the second in the opposite direction.
Close the "SAT" page and return again to the "ROUTES" page. Click on "SUN, HOL "and do the same, what they did on the pages "MON-FRI" and "SAT". Thus, we need to do the same thing three times..
Now close the editor and go to the main menu. Click on "FREE PLAY", then "LINE and ROUTE" and choose our 45M line. We expose the time we need, weather and starting stop. It remains to wait for the game to load and go.
p.s. Do not forget, what is this simple guide, without understanding the details and other matters. A manual with all parameters and details will be done later..
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