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Armor Material
Protection: 1
Body slot: Head
prompt: Illuminates the area around the character
Purchase: 4/8 gold
Sale 80 ser / 1fortune 60 ser
Study: 1 unit
Miner's shirt:
Protection: 1
Body slot: Torso
Sale: 10 ser
Study: 1 unit
Miner's Pants:
Protection: 1
Body slot: Legs
Sale: 10 ser
Study 1 units
This is the least sturdy kit in the game., making it useful only in the early stages of the game. It's easy to create, since only wood is required to create it, and in connection with that, what player, often, appears in the forest, this makes it possible to create this set of armor almost immediately after spawning.
Wearing a full set of armor grants two defenses (3 c Mobile only and Console only) and one additional set bonus, which ultimately gives three protections (4 c Mobile only and Console only).

Dropped by Raincoat Zombie

When putting on a full set, the player receives a bonus: +10% melee damage. The very first armor, giving a bonus to Warriors.
It's easy to create it on Halloween., but to do it at any other time of the year, need to buy pumpkin seeds from a dryad.
Gladiator helmet (Gladiator Helmet);
Gladiator bib (Gladiator Breastplate);
Gladiator's Leggings (Gladiator Leggings).
Grants Knock Immunity when fully set.
Dropped by hoplite, with a rather low chance of 1.67% for pike.
Due to its rarity, rather low protection and that, that the complete set does not give any positive bonuses, it should be considered more of a social clothing, rather than a full set of armor. FROM 1.4.1 she became the best armor at the beginning of the passage, after platinum armor,because her defense was increased in 2 times.
The character, wearing a full set of ninja gear, leaves behind a blurry traces of his figure - in the best traditions of cinematographic works about medieval Japan. Almost like a demonic set, only without black streaks. When coloring, only the shade of the suit changes.

Because of the bonus, full set, this armor gives the best results when used with a space pistol by a character with a small amount of mana. In other cases, it is more profitable to use jungle armor.
When moving with a full set on, the character leaves a trail of flames, similar to the graphical effect of hellish armor.
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