We receive secret cards ( 1 lacks, could not find )
Brutus – Has a chance to drop, when Brutus kills the king.
The hermit has no friends – Has a chance to drop, when the Hermit reaches the enemy king, and also there are no other units alive.
Myth – stock ! – Has a chance to drop, if you send more 2000 mythium in one wave.
Fiesta – Has a chance to drop, when more 2 passes for 1 and 2 wave.
The snail has a dream – May fall out – when the snail reaches the enemy king.
Crown of sparkles +5 – May fall out, when the king is fully improved.
Grarlpacio – Has a chance to drop, when Grarl is sold with “A delicacy”.
Confused neko at dinner – May fall out, when Nekomata with 0 kills the enemy with stacks.
Stunned mole – Has a chance to drop, when a Protected Mole dies from an attack, causing more 200 damage.
Fried eggs – Has a chance to drop, when Masonry dies on the same wave, what was created.
Everything is fine – Has a chance to drop, when all players skip to 80%+ on the same wave.
Together forever – Has a chance to drop, when Zipper kills with anaphylaxis.
Chekastic Nekomata – May fall out, when Nekomata absorbs 10 enemies per wave.
Hands off Yozora – Has a chance to drop, when Yozora dodges 4 attacks in a row.
Just wanted a banana – Has a chance to drop, when a mercenary kills a Banana Bunker or a Banana Hideout.
Crazy magician – May fall out, when the Black Mage buffs himself twice per wave.
Thief in law junior – Has a chance to drop, when a thief in law kills a boss or mini-boss.
From Queen Taiga
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