Since. it took me a long time to get this achievement, and certain difficulties, especially when looking for scattered information from predominantly foreign sources, put everything together in this guide, so to speak for the Russian-speaking kamuniti)
- Grenades [4]
- Shotguns [4]
- Bows / Crossbows [2]
- Pistols [5]
- Sniper rifles [1]
- Heavy[2]
- Cold [3]
- Assault rifles [3]
To do this, you need to complete a chain of tasks for each unit., more than a hundred tasks in total. The problem is, that not all tasks are available at once, and the game doesn't quite clearly explain what needs to be done, to at least open these tasks. Let's start off with, that for each category of weapons there are initially available side missions, called “Weapon training”. Here you need to start with them.. In total, you need to complete 4 level for each class. After completing the I level, we get access to II and so on. There is no point in doing them to the maximum., it is enough to complete level IV, and access V. I will notice, that to open some quest chains, it is not necessary to raise ownership of all categories to IV at once, but in the end, to open all barrels, you will still need to own all categories of weapons on IV. Here then tasks for unique types of weapons will begin to appear, which we need. But even here it is not so simple. For some chains, enough, eg, just get level IV pistol proficiency, and for others also some additional conditions. For example, a level IV skill in two categories at once, or the most ridiculous option, have a specific type of weapon in your inventory. I will also immediately advise you to search the closed cabinets to the maximum when passing all levels, they contain valuable details, they will be very useful in the future. Below there will be a description and an image of each of the types of weapons..
To open the quest chain, the fourth level of grenade skill is enough.
Gas grenade
To open the quest chain, the fourth level of grenade skill is enough.
Gravitational grenade
To open the quest chain, the fourth level of grenade skill is enough.
Beam grenade
To open the quest chain, the fourth level of grenade skill is enough.
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 shotgun skill and a level 4 sniper rifle skill.
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 shotgun skill and a level 4 assault rifle skill.
Pump fuse
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 shotgun skill and a level 4 grenade skill.
Nuclear anger
To open the quest chain, Level 4 shotgun skill is enough.
Bows / Crossbows
To open the quest chain, requires a fourth level bow skill and a fourth level explosive skill.
Rocket Epirus
To open the quest chain, 4th level of bow skill is enough.
To open the quest chain, requires a fourth level pistol skill and a fourth level stun gun skill.
Pocket rifle
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 pistol skill and a level 4 sniper rifle skill.
Lord Moorhung
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 pistol skill and a level 4 sniper rifle skill.
To open the quest chain, Requires a Level 4 Pistol Skill and a Level 4 Shotgun Skill.
Reinforced stig
To open the quest chain, the fourth level of pistol skill is enough.
Sniper rifles
To open the quest chain, the fourth level of sniper rifle skill is enough.
Heavy weaponry
To open the quest chain, 4th level of heavy weapons skill is enough.
New rifle
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 heavy weapons skill and a level 4 explosives skill.
Steel arms
This monster is the most mysterious. In order to open a chain of tasks for him, in addition to the fourth level of possession of melee weapons and a stun gun, as far as I understand, still have one of the varieties of a sledgehammer in your inventory. I had it “Technokuvalda”. Judging by the assurances of our English-speaking “friends” on foreign resources, any other hammer should, in theory, fit, but i have not tested. In addition, you will need to install two more improvement codecs on the hammer., “Kinetic charge” and “Electric weapons”. Codecs need to be caught in the gun store. For an accelerated store update, I can advise you to complete an additional task “Black market”. It will open access to a paid accelerated upgrade of one of the weapon categories in the store. Now you can properly equip the resulting device. Below are screenshots with the required codecs.
Power sword
There are no tricks here. To open the quest chain, the fourth level of melee weapon skill is enough.
Sun Blade
Here, too, everything is not so simple. To open the quest chain, requires the skill of the fourth level of possession of melee weapons, skill of the fourth level of possession of a stun gun, as well as one of the varieties of the sword (not sabers). I had it “Vilomeč”.
Assault rifles
To open the quest chain, level 4 assault rifle skill is enough.
This section is also not without a catch.. Quests for two of the three barrels are hidden until a chain of, it seems, only two side quests. I won't remember the names, but their essence is, that we will be given the nastiest quality rifle “Apathy” and offer to test it in battle, that is, kill a certain number of enemies. Then “Apathy” will turn into “Apathetic fury”, and open, finally, tasks for two downstream trunks.
Sniper fury
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 assault rifle skill and a level 4 sniper rifle skill. Plus completing assignments, described above.
Assault machine gun furious
To open the quest chain, requires a level 4 assault rifle skill and a level 4 heavy weapon skill. Plus completing assignments, described above.
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