Description of the passage of the pilot's guild quests. I have already described other quests more than once in my other walkthroughs.
[Background: Assassin[/b]
Characteristics: (to complete the maximum quests).
Strength 4
Agility 10
Endurance 4 (in the second chapter we will raise to 5)
Observation 8
Intelligence 7
Charisma 7
Our hero will be able to get the maximum training from the NPC ( in Theron and Feng and Cassius, if you need the order of completing quests – watch the walkthrough for Praetor Galya of the Helmsmen).
Plus will be able to play any of the options for completing the pilot's quests.
Weapon – crossbow.
Crete. hit in theron above 4 there is no point in downloading.
Evasion in Theron can be skipped, using imperial armor.
Starting Vignette
1. Kill the guard
1.1. critical hit + agility = min
+1 b.o.
2. Talk away
2.1 Belief = min 2
+1 n.o.
2.2 Belief + Cunning = min 4
+1 n.o. – for dividing the merchant's property equally.
Pilot Quests in Theron
but) talking with the crossbowman at the door, he teaches
+10 to ranged weapon
b) talking with the Alchemist:
Alchemy 1-2 (+5 glasses),
but, he does not teach, if alchemy is already pumped - only gives a couple of herbs.
At the cemetery, we take a rope with a hook and a climbing hook from the corpse(we examine the corpse above and to the right of the old man).
1 Pilot Guild quest in Theron
House with spies (at the city gate on the right). Let's attack immediately – kill the girl, then the old man.
1. Let yourself be fooled – unprofitable option
+11 o.o..
Helms Reputation -1
+ training from Kormchikh:
Cunning 1-2 (+5 glasses)
2. Kill the girl and the old man
+1 b.o.
3. Third spy
3.1 We agree, promising to release for reports (belief + charisma = min 8, and conviction min = 2).
+2 n.o. – for reports
Word of honor +1 – for letting him go is necessary for the Emolas quest)
3.2 We kill him
+1 b.o.
Finding reports Mindfulness = min 8
Anyway – for delivering reports and killing the first 2 spies:
+17 o.o..
Loyalty +1
Helms Reputation +1
Daratan's reputation +1
Aurelian's reputation -1
+180 d.
+ training from Kormchikh:
Critical hit 1-3 (+15 b.o.)
2 Pilot Guild quest in Theron
It must be completed after all quests in Theron., because. in the end we will leave the city.
We lighten the inventory as much as possible, we put on a tunic. We load crossbows with armor-piercing arrows.
We take with us:
– dagger,
– can be,
– 3 liquid fire,
– medicines,
– min 30 armor-piercing bolts and several serrated.
We do not put anything in either inventory or pockets! – they will still be empty on the quest.
We go to the Pilots and take the final quest.
1.We kill Karinas. (there is a fork with the transition to the Guard, but we have different goals).
Further fork, depends on our social skills
2.1.Run away
2.1.1 Patrol
2.1.1 Sneak past
+1 n.o. – stealth = min 4
On a failed stealth fight with a patrol
+1 b.o.
2.2. To stay, dressed in a merchant's robe.
Detention = min 2
Detention + charisma = min 9
+3 n.o.
We kill through a critical strike of the guardsman, guarding the corpse of Karinas, but he hurts us.
critical hit = min 3 (partial success)
+1% to crete. blow
We search the corpses - be sure to take all the steel for ourselves + shit growth.
3. Next, a difficult battle with the guards. We are wearing a robe
3.1. guardsmen 4 – if you ran and sneaked past the patrol
3.2. guardsmen 3 – if you stayed and stabbed the most dangerous in the hotel
In the first turn, shoot the enemies 2-3 times, retreat to the corner to Koltan. We drive away enemies with liquid fire.
At the end of the battle, if possible – reload crossbows, before you click to end the fight.
+2 b.o.
+1 battle
After the battle, Coltan will give poison with damage 6 (8 alchemy rank). Poison come in handy in Maadoran.
As a result, we agree with Nelos to continue revenge
Helms reputation +2 (7)
Daratan's reputation +2 (10)
Reputation Guard -22 (-20)
Loyalty +2
Refusal will result in the completion of the quest in Theron and loss of loyalty
4. In the dialogue with Koltan, we heal and change into steel armor, removed from Karinas's body.
+1 b.o. – for the second fight
We are treated. Reloading crossbows. Putting on a robe for action points, we will not engage in close combat. We take shields to the tree.
Nelos and Diaz usually kill a legionnaire without a helmet., but Nelos is often killed by the Centurion.
Legionnaire without a helmet is perfectly killed by serrated arrows in the neck. Throw a bolo around the centurion's neck.
+2 b.o. for battle
+23 o.o..
+1 prestige
+1 battle
Pilot Quests in Maadoran
1 quest
We take training from Cyrus (he trains on 20 glasses pretense-persuasion)
Detention 2-4 (+20 glasses)
Here's the trick – remember the shield merchant had a special shield? We buy it and take it in hand. + 3 hand crossbow. Dagger with you, 1 liquid fire, poison potion, and other set.
Going to the Slums.
I. Two ways
1. Pretending to be a beggar
+1 n.o. – Detention = min 4
1.1 Patrol
+1 n.o. – Detention + Charisma = min 12
2. Aggressive – Choose to find a conductor. We kill him through a critical strike. (he will betray)
+1 to the chance of crit. blow
Next patrol
2.1 – the same check
+1 n.o. – Detention + Charisma = min 12
2.2 Attack them
+2 b.o.
After the battle we put on the armor.
Critical hit 5-6 (-15 b.o. -5 o.o..
II. Find the secret in the masonry.
1. Himself through perception – 3 enemy
2. Wait – the door will open 4 enemy
Via critical hit + agility = 16 kill two.
+2 to the chance of crit. blow
+2 b.o. – kill the rest, there are bombs and acid.
Further conversation with Levir.
We are not trying to talk him out. – this is the path to the betrayal of the Pilots, we are not interested.
We go left to the dining room. We notice something in the corner of the wall. Pointing with the mouse. Secret door. Through Intellect + Craft = min 14 open the exit. And we leave with gold.
+2 n.o.
+17 o.o..
Helms reputation +2 (9)
Aurelian's reputation +1 (-3)
Thieves reputation (-4) (-29)
Choosing the most aggressive option
You can be trained by Hamza (if the pilot's reputation is greater 10)
+20 b.o. to critical hit – if critical hit is lower 7
+10% to critical strike chance – critical hit = 7 and higher
The next two missions will go almost in a row. Need to prepare well.
2 liquid fire, 2 bombs, antidote, dagger, 3 crossbow with scope. Healers.
2 quest – order for Lady Lorenzo Kalani
I. We approach the house
1. through stealth
+1 n.o.
2. come up
2.1 via stealth = min 5, they are going away
2.2 kill both crit. blow (we 6)
+2 to the chance of crit. blow
We choose – kill.
Next Lady Lorenzo will agitate us to betray. (change of power in the Guild, death of Darista and Galya, in exchange for money or access to more 1 flask to improve skills, but in return we lose our Guild membership). We refuse.
4 enemy. Very fast. Here we need an antidote and 2 liquid fire – cut off the ladies. Further poison and critical wounds will quickly kill them..
+3 b.o.
We don't leave right away. Removing jewels and steel from corpses.
Near Exit – table, there is a trap and a castle. (traps = 5 and hacking = 5) enough.
+2 n.o. +1 diamond, +2 emerald, +2 sapphire
On the opposite side 4 chest. 1 locked. burglary = 5
+1 n.o. – steel dagger.
back to the guild
+18 o.o..
Helms reputation +3 (12)
Aurelian's reputation +1 (-2)
+1 loyalty
Meeting with Galiy and immediately a new quest.
We are asked to remove his nephew Serenas. Asking to do it quietly, but as a result, there is no difference in experience and reputation. We are given poison with damage 6, but we ourselves can do this.
Multiple solutions
I. To come in
1. Show Ring
1. Show ring – stealth + charisma = 9 – stuffing ourselves into an audience – kill
+1 to the skill of Crete. blow
Helms reputation +5
Aurelian's reputation +1
Reputation of the Guard -2
2. We approach
– we attack through crit. blow = 6 – partial success – one is dead
– we attack through crit. blow = 7 – Good luck 2 dead
+2 to the skill of Crete. blow
Then a fight with 2 guards and Serenas
+4 b.o.
Helms reputation +5
Aurelian's reputation +1
Reputation of the Guard -2
2. Put on the armor of the Guard and enter
2.1 Killed the legate and attack the Fort
+1 n.o. – Detention = min 4
Fight with two legionnaires, and we are wearing very bad armor.
+2 b.o.
Then a fight in the house with two more and Serenas
+2 b.o.
Helms reputation +5
Aurelian's reputation +1
Reputation of the Guard -2
2.2 Killed the Legate and will be here soon – Detention = min 5
+1 n.o.
We are being led to Seranas, there you can
Attack – fight in bad armor against 5 at once,
2.2.1 – Your uncle knows everything – we will fight together, and hand him a bottle of poison
but) Belief + charisma (I have had 12)
b) Cunning = min 5
Serenas drinks poison.
+4 n.o.
Helms reputation +5
Aurelian's reputation +2
In case we openly killed Serenas, or persuaded to poison:
We take steel from Serenas, don't leave right away, rob the bedroom.
+1 n.o. – breaking the door
+2 n.o. – removing the trap from the chest and hacking – there is a steel lorica musculature with 1 improving
in the chest of drawers – 3 sapphire, ruby, 2 emerald, diamond
+23 o.o..
(I chose the option through critical hit and fight)
We are sent to Gannezar to kill Meru.
Helmsman Missions in Hannesar
I. Kill the legate Aurelian
Varro immediately teaches on
but) if the critical hit is less 8
+20 b.o. to crete. hit
+1 combat skills training
b) if critical hit = min 8
+10% to the chance of crit. blow
1. Cunning
1.1. stealth = min 5
1.2 stealth = min 7
+1 n.o. – for cheating, the guard leaves
kill legate critical hit = min 7
+1% to the chance of a critical strike
if the second cunning check fails, then
but) Cunning + Charisma = min 13
b) Belief = min 7
the guard leaves
kill legate critical hit = min 7
+1% to the chance of a critical strike
Failure of spoken checks – kill them all
Agility + Crete. hit (I have had 15)
+2% to the chance of a critical strike – for lega and guard
fight with 3 guardians (two more came running)
+3 b.o.
2. Kill everyone on the fly
Agility + Crete. hit (I have had 15)
+2% to the chance of a critical strike – for lega and guard
and fight with 3 guardians
3. Poison Wine – poison with me – (Agility I had 10)
+1 n.o. – legate is dead
3.1 Kill the guard
but) partial success (critical hit = 7)
1 corpse and fight with 3 guardians (two more came running)
+3 b.o.
b) Good luck (critical hit = min 7)
+2% to the chance of a critical strike – for 2 corpse of fighters, what were in the tent
no fight
4. Poison Wine – poison with me – (Stealth + Theft = min 7)
+1 n.o. – legate is dead
4.1 Kill the guard
but) partial success (critical hit = 7)
1 corpse and fight with 3 guardians (two more came running)
+3 b.o.
b) Good luck (critical hit = min 7)
+2% to the chance of a critical strike – for 2 corpse of guards, what were in the tent
According to the results:
+24 o.o..
Reputation Helmsman +2
II. Kill the magician
1. Resist
Intelligence = min 8
Intelligence + Charisma = 15 (failure)
2. Blind fight
2.1 – close eyes – Perception = min 7
but) hit left
b) stay and listen
Perception = min 8
Agility + Crete. hit (I have had 17)
+6 o.o. – Fallan killed
2.2. Hit a critical hit – Agility + Crete. stroke = min 18
Fallan is wounded
but) open eyes – Intelligence + Charisma checks (15) – failure – death
b) perception = min 8
Crete. stroke = min 7
+6 o.o.. – Fallan is dead
3. Eat mushrooms (need fly agarics in inventory)
Fighting drugs with 4 fellans. They are good at crit with knives.
+1 b.o.
+1 battle
+1 combat skills training
According to the results:
+24 o.o..
Reputation Helmsman +4
Reputation Crassus -6
III. Quest with the Pilots
There you will have to make a choice – for Hamzu and Darist (Aurelian), or betray and for Varro (Crassus)
First options with betrayal
1. Kill Hamza
Crete. blow = 9 – partial success, Hamza is wounded
Crete. blow = 10 – Good luck, Hamza killed
+1% to the chance of crit hit
+3 b.o. – for 2 feed
2. Kill Hamza's Companions First
Agility + Crit Strike
Crete. blow = 9 (I had)
Evasion = 8 – Good luck
Evasion – less 8 – partial success, both dead but Hamza hurts you
+2% to the chance of crit hit
+3 b.o. – for Hamza
3. Say you work for Varro and tell them to leave
Word of honor +1
+3 b.o. – for battle
Or take him to the palace and attack Hamza there
+30 o.o..
+1 battle
Helms reputation -10
Avrelean reputation -10
Reputation Crassus +10
Loyalty -2
Kill Varro and Meru
Take Hamza to the palace and attack Varro there
+3 b.o. – for battle
+30 o.o..
+1 battle
Helms reputation +5
Avrelean reputation +5
Reputation Crassus -5
Loyalty +1
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