What you need to do to get achievement “Get A Life”
Where to begin?
To start – ENOUGH TO FEMALE!!!
Let's decide on the mask and I immediately remember the frog (Zak. You need to get it on 13 level) it prolongs your combos.
Of course you can take a panther or a hare (Brandon and Graham), but with them it will be more hardcore.
A start! Now wipe the tears from your cheeks and sperm from your hands and fly into the hotline!
Wait! Don't fly yet!
Here is the number of points you need to get an A +
1. The Metro: 30175
2. No Talk: 19618
3. Overdose: 41903
4. Decadance: 53080
5. Tension: 52080
6. Full House: 65748
7. Clean Hit: 37407
8. Neighbors: 59020
9. Push It: 72596
10. Crackdown: 68388
11. Hot & Heavy: 153366
12. Deadline: 78463
13. Trauma: –
14. Assault: 101446
15. Vengeance: 79381
16. Showdown: –
17. Safehouse: 22480
18. Fun & Games: 53708
I wrote focusing on data from the Internet (could be inaccurate)
Now you can definitely launch Hotline and shred people!
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