Solving the problem of energy impermanence
Small introduction
After a little gaming experience, it was concluded – the game does not have a constant source of energy with a one-time cost (put- works constantly), water wheels work only without drought and windmills can stand for half a day without wind (put higher, on the landscape, work better but again not always, even above the entire landscape if you put). Yes, there are generators, but they take a bunch of logs, which are again needed for other resources, if you are happy with that, then this guide is not for you.
What do I suggest
First you need to do, with dams of course, large reservoir. Such that would be enough for a period of drought ( depending on the game mode), mine looks like this
Now, when there is enough water for both the beavers and this “bike” we start building this
As you can see, everything is painfully simple – Pumps raise water and wheels get energy from it, the design is quite simple, although cumbersome

Small nuances
Although this structure is very simple, it has small but important little things, for example, falling water gives more energy than that which simply flows to the level of the wheels. Therefore, you need to make a small ledge on which water will flow at the beginning.- flowing from this ledge, it picks up the speed necessary for the normal rotation of the wheels
you also do not need to make too many wheels because they begin to greatly slow down the flow of water, the amount that allows you to work as efficiently as possible varies from the wheels themselves and the location of the dam itself. My experience is 17 large wheels (to the level) at iron teeth (probably not the limit, maybe you can put more), and 26 wheels at the tails of the world

Basic construction
In principle, everything else looks pretty simple. – a niche is made in which the wheels will stand and along which water will flow
We count how many blocks of the dam are needed for the N-number of wheels and at the end we do more 1 height difference
After which the water reaches the maximum level of your reservoir, we make a niche that leads back to the pumps
You can of course make a few more levels., if the pumps that pump water upwards allow it to be done, the main thing is that during a drought the water level does not fall below that, from which pumps can pick it up

At the end
After the main work is done, we power the pumps from this whole structure.
The number of pumps can be varied, I have 9 (by 700 energy) pumps supply 34 wheels that create on average 400 energy
34*400= 13600 subtract from this 6300 what do the pumps feed – goes out in the area 7000 above, the design pays for itself. The only thing you need to get started – to do something (mills / generators) to start the pumps for the first time, it's better to start not all at once, but 2 to start. When most of the wheels are spinning – other pumps can also be started, after which the energy will jump for several days ± 1500, but in the end it will come to its constant value. After that, the energy can be brought out to your buildings..
PS: I don’t know how long this bike will be available, but I hope the developers will not cut any of these components too much :)

PS: I don’t know how long this bike will be available, but I hope the developers will not cut any of these components too much :)
From Measures
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