Monomi Mode Achievement Guide. (Monomi Won’t Miss These, Right?) To get all items.
One of the most annoying achievements in the game.
Monomi Won’t Miss These, Right?
Collected every possible item in Magical Miracle Girl Monomi
Collected all possible items in Magical Wonder Girl Monomi
Monomy mode ( Magical Girl Miracle ★ Monomi ) – this is a mini-game that opens as you progress through the main story. In it, we, as Monomi, need to deal with a different number of waves of enemies, and on the last one, destroy the Monoboss on six different levels. There are three difficulty levels in total..
Trusted enemies have a chance to drop: healer, a gold bar or box containing a random item of equipment.
Depending on the level and difficulty, strength of opponents and items too, actually, rises.
You need to get all the available items of equipment.
Total 60 of things. By 20 in each category (Weapon, Ribbon, Trousers). The drop of which depends solely on the randomness.
The table below lists the most famous levels and the items they can drop..
The names of objects are presented in two variations: in English and Russian.
( 1 – 2 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 5 – 6 skills ) normal
( 5 – 6 skills ) normal
( 5 – 6 skills ) normal
( 5 – 6 skills ) normal
( 5 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 5 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 4 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 5 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 5 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
💰increases gold💰
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 3 skills ) heavy
( 1 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 1 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 1 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 1 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
🎁 increases gifts 🎁
( 5 skills ) normal
( 1 – 6 skills ) normal
( 5 skills ) normal
( 3 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 4 – 6 skills ) heavy
( 6 skills ) heavy
All items as they enter your inventory will be sorted in the same way as in this table. From weaker to more powerful.
So it will be more convenient for you to compare what you do not already have and what you still need..
The only way to increase the drop rate of items is to equip:
[An old grass skirt / Old Man’s Grass Skirt]
So I strongly recommend putting it on as soon as you find it and not taking it off..
By the way after receiving the item, passing the level to the end is not required.
What if you need more gold? (for some reason), then:
ribbon [2 Tax Gold / 2 gold tax]
which increases the amount of gold. 10 Golden = 1 Monocoin.
Coins are awarded after level completion. And if you lose without reaching the end, then you won't get a damn thing.!
In the best case, upon completion of the level, you will be able to score 10-20 Monomonet. Considering that, what, on average, goes to the level 5-10 minutes.
I also recommend trying to farm and immediately put on more powerful items. (except of course [An old grass skirt]).
weapon [Seventh Sea Hope Rod / Staff of Hope of the Seven Seas]
and tape [Autumnal Hope Ribbon / Ribbon of Autumn Hope].
This will make it easier and faster to complete the levels., which of course will speed up the achievement of this achievement.
So if the desired item does not drop out, keep farming the rest, or repeat the level you need over and over again. In the end, luck will smile on you.
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