Mass Effect ™ Legendary Edition: Fixing missing items for SPECTRA in stores

If you have lost the opportunity to buy items for SPECTRA in stores – that way. Here is a temporary treatment for the problem before the patch appears.


Initial acquisition of SPECTRA equipment

To unlock the ability to buy SPECTRUM equipment, everything, what do you need to do, is to advance through the main plot, until you become a SPECTRUM. After that, how will it happen, you will need to speak to the supply officer in the C-Sec on the Citadel, and SPECTRUM equipment will appear in stock, as well as in the officer's warehouse on request at the lower level of Normandy.

Loss of SPECTRA equipment from sale and fixes

After that, how did you play the game a bit after purchasing the SPECTRUM equipment, you, possibly, faced a problem, where you can no longer find any Specter gear in stock from any of the vendors.

At the moment there is 2 ways to solve this problem.

  1. If you have a save before, how did you become a SPECTRUM, download it, complete the cut-scene and become a SPECTRUM again. After that, just go to the supply officer at CBC., and in your “present” saving will already have to appear goods for SPECTRA available for purchase. (If there is no save, below in the manual there is a save)
  2. Second way, if you don't have a save before, how did you become a SPECTRUM, you can just start a new game and quickly replay until you receive the SPECTRUM, and then talk to the supply officer in the C-Sec, and in your “present” saving will already have to appear goods for SPECTRA available for purchase.

Save file right before, how to become a SPECTRUM

  1. Download the archive
  2. in the folder My Documents Bioware Mass Effect Legendary Edition Save ME1 create a folder John01
  3. Unzip the John01_02.pcsav file to this folder

You now have a save, in which progress is just before, how to become a SPECTRUM

Known Issues

  • After all the manipulations, I re-entered the game and the things were sold from sale again

There is no fix for this, just repeat the procedure with saving without closing the game

  • No cool item updates for IX, X spectrum levels

These updates will become available towards the end of the game.

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