For beginners and curious pros, looking for loopholes and the smallest chips. I will share my experience with you and tell you about important and not so important moments of the game.
I'll tell you right away, that there will be no recipes for any potions, I will describe this below.
Actual for version 0.4.2
Beginning of the game

Anyway, the more numbers you have at any point, the easier it is for you to live.
We carefully look and collect all the plants, not forgetting about the mushrooms on the tree, who can hide behind a barrel.

You cannot improve the garden yet., but in future updates we are promised a lot.
Our board contains a map with possible paths for the location of potions, which we move by the ingredients, which have their own characteristics in terms of movement.
What can we meet on the way:
Gray – standard non-renewable.
Green – renewable, frequency depends on skill leveling.
Ingredients flowers mushrooms – move the bottle along an ingredient-dependent path.
Ingredients stones – teleports the bottle from point A to point B.
Bucket with water – moves the bottle to the spawn / start / start point in a straight line.
The salt of the void – erases the built path. The recipe can be purchased from the Mystic Warlock.
Salt of life– restores the health of the bottle if it hits the bones. The recipe can be purchased from the Mystic Warlock.
P.S : the stronger the fire burns, the faster the bottle moves along the way, but be careful not to fall into the whirlpool / tornado, otherwise the path will shift
P.S.S : the harder you grind the ingredient, the longer the path becomes. It is not necessary to always grind to dust, sometimes an incompletely ground ingredient is required.
Making potions
This is due to the fact, that at the beginning of the game, in a small amount, we are given standard flowers of movement up left down right, and if you cook only from them, we will bury ourselves in that, that they will just end, and there will be little to grow in the garden and be sold by merchants, connections with a small reputation.
If we do not sell potions due to a lack of ingredients from the recipes recorded in the book, then our reputation will never rise, and there will be no money.
Don't be afraid to buy and use new ingredients, find new ways to prepare potions.
Potion effects can be combined for sale, with different harmonious effects.
How to find out, which buyer will buy double + potion, while paying us more money:
- – Buyers, who don't know, what effect do they need for sure (for example: enchant my sword with magic), list several conditions (for example:can't get around, and you need to be unnoticed) etc.
- – To check, is it possible to sell and whether the effects will be compatible, we can put one effect on the scale, and after the second, if both effects the buyer is willing to buy, we connect them on the board.
- – If you still decide to combine the effects, the strongest need to do that, which is more expensive, for our benefit.
Shopping room
Quantity, price, discount, markup, on goods depends on the level of our popularity.
Ingredient vendors:
- -Don't be afraid to buy and never sell potions to traders, since buyers will buy them at an overpriced price, unless of course it is a compatible potion with different effects, which is definitely not useful for buyers.
- -The range of ingredients is mostly random, and the number grows with the prestige of our shop.
Mysterious sorcerer:
- -Buy recipe sheets whenever possible, if they are not with a red markup, and you can afford them, as the sheets will always come in handy in the future.
- -Purchase the Alchemy Machine only after 3 chapters and with sufficient capital, so that buying it does not hurt your wallet too much.
- -Buy salt recipes at 5 chapter and above. Unless, of course, your financial account allows you to buy earlier, That's your business.
Stone trader:
- -Stones won't be useful at first, so don't go broke on them, until you get to the moment of creating potions for alchem. cars, or if you have enough extra money, you can stock up on them in advance.
P.S : do not offer to buy something from you, after that, how did you bargain, otherwise you won't get discounts.
The number of good buyers and robbers depends on your reputation level.
The higher your level, the fewer robbers and more noble knights.
The lower your reputation level, the more robbers and fewer good people.
- -You have 3 a chance to give the customer the correct potion. If the first time you fail to guess, what potion do you need, with each next attempt, the price of the potion will decrease.
- -The price and mark-up when bargaining depends on the pumping of skills.
- -The higher the strength of the potion, the more popularity you get, maximum 3, but if you raise the price when bargaining, gains in popularity may drop to 0.
- -Selling reputation at any price – 3 points. But if the client leaves without receiving the ordered potion, fine in 2 reputation points and depending on the level of prestige, penalty points to prestige.
- -When fulfilling their request – you will receive a reputation penalty in 20-30 glasses, but at the same time get prestige.
- -If their request is not fulfilled – You'll get 15 reputation points, but you will lose prestige points.
P.S : do not offer to buy another potion, if you have bargained for the original, otherwise there will be no extra charge, and the price of the potion will be reduced, as the first, and for subsequent
Alchemy machine
Machine parts and salt recipes can be purchased from a mysterious magician, which may come early in the day.
Recipes for stones are opened one by one, after the creation of the first, the second will open, etc..
- -Save recipes for potions for stones, which are prepared for each part of the machine, since pebbles will have to be cooked more than once, if you close the chapter book.
- -See more often in recipes, especially before graduation, so that the wrong stone does not turn out. If you have poured the correct potion – in the recipe, apparatus, in which the potion is poured, lights up green, if not the correct potion – red.
- -Don't be afraid to use teleport stones for potions, since these potions will rarely be brewed, and you will not bury yourself in an empty bag, if you don’t forget of course to buy materials from the merchant.
Points are given literally for everything – cooking potions, sale, purchase, collecting experience on the map.
About pumping here to each his own:
- -If you want to open the map faster – swing the visibility radius
- -If you want to level up faster – download alchemical practice ,so that experience on the map appears more often
- -If you want more value in the starting prices – download trade
- -If you want to be the best at bargaining – download bargaining to raise prices while chatting visitors.
P.S Do not get carried away and do not pump everything into one branch, it will be more rational to pump evenly each skill, only for 2-3 point ahead of the selected.
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