This is our job

This is our job
Get all achievements.

Risky bet
End chapter 1

Got caught
End chapter 2

Price of freedom
End chapter 3

Queen of the Monsters
End chapter 4

Pay or die
End chapter 5

Between a rock and a hard place
End chapter 6

Dog life
End chapter 7

End chapter 8

Desperate times
End chapter 9

Test of Faith
End chapter 10

Mind is stronger than matter
End chapter 11

Running to Oblivion
End chapter 12

In spite of everything
End chapter 13

Into the hell
End chapter 14

Broken promises
End chapter 15

End chapter 16

Complete Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel.

Collect 65 % all entries in the Galaxy Directory in each category.

Discreet captain
Find half of the Guardians' collectibles.

Leader talent
Collect all collectibles for one of the Guardians.
Video guide
How poured!
Find and put on one suit.
Find and put on all costumes.
The elements

Reach out your hand
Revive a fallen ally.

Deafening success
Stun 25 opponents.

Unstoppable force
10 accumulate the maximum possible advantage.

The crowd roars
10 launch a stylish attack once.

Like in a dash
To win 15 opponents with Star-Lord's Unleash the Drums ability.

Height correction
To win 20 opponents with Star-Lord's "Eye of the Hurricane".

Salt on the wound
To win 10 opponents, struck by Drax's Wrath of Katata.

Interrupt Fatigue's Attack with Drax's Special Attack.

Drax Splitter
Dismember the Inquisitor with Drax's Special Attack.

Catatian handshake
Perform an auto-combo with Drax.

Healing herbs
10 once revive or heal companions with Groot's Gift of Flora.

Interrupt the Raider's Attack with Groot's Special Attack.

Interrupt the Raider's Attack with Groot's Special Attack.

Absolute mastery
To win 10 opponents with the ability of Gamora "Executioner".

On the body in front
Interrupt Centurion Nova's Attack with Gamora's Special Attack.

A murderous friendship
Perform an auto-combo with Gamora.

Big boom
To win 20 opponents with the ability of the Rocket "Five-Barrel Flurry".

Aim assist
Perform an auto-combo with Rocket.
I don't know where to put these achievements, I'll decide later.
Take a bite, rodent
Win a bet on Rocket
Performed in 1 chapter. Destroy more hives than Rocket.
Galactic calculation.
Pay the penalty to Nova Corps.
Llama tamer
Catch a monster in the Quarantine Zone.
Defeat Meredith Quill's obsession.
Titan Slayer
Survive the incarnations of Thanos.
By wanevr
Related Posts:
- Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: How to get the suit “Elegant Lord” from NVIDIA
- Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Like in a dash (an easy way to get the achievement)
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