How to get new costume and weapons, added in the Halloween update (28 october 2021).
How to get new costume and weapons, added in the Halloween update
On the progress screen, two new pictures will appear to the right of your results.. This is a hint on how to get new items.:
1. A new costume can be obtained immediately at the start of the game, in the Restroom, in the first locker on the left:
You can put on a suit in the middle tab “Resources”, choose “Change clothes”:
2. Walk down the hallway past the diving helmet and up the steps to the painting “Ьдифь беззглавливающая Олоферна”. Click on it 3 times:
3. Go back to the helmet and walk around it in circles counterclockwise 5 time:
4. The painting with the lost head Holofernes will rise, discovering a new riddle:
5. Try to connect the shapes in the cells, you should get two numbers and a figure. Select them on the drive to the right:
6. Here is the solution to the riddle:
The safe will open and you will receive a cool nailgun, shooting in bursts of three nails!
From DIM
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