Human Fall Flat: All sleep achievements “Logging”

How to complete each of 4 achievements on the map “Logging” в Human Fall Flat!


Attainment “Night embarrassment”

The very first, light and wet achievement. As soon as you appear on the map – go to the nearest house. Take the bed, which is in it and throw it into the water. The water is in the river, located opposite the house.

Attainment “Security – primarily”

One day the moment will come, when you get to the rope, which you will need to descend with the help of hooks. You will need to take one hook in each hand and make a deadly number., rolling over the abyss.

Achievement may not be counted for some reason. I advise you to start from the very beginning of the ropeway, to increase the chances of getting it.

Attainment “Hang up”

Hardest achievement on this map. purpose – find 5 lanterns and throw them into the abyss. Just follow the story and don't miss them.
Here are the locations of all the fixtures:

You will find after that, how to cross the first river.

Located behind the cable car from a past achievement.
On the very screen, a little to the left and behind my character.

In the mine after the cable car.

To the left of the mini waterfall.

Up, located to the right of the mini waterfall.

Attainment “Wide open spaces”

Just complete the level, jumping into a hole.

From Caiman

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