Far Cry® 3: Ошибка Failed to execute command: farcry3_d3dll.exe (error 740)

How to overcome this error and how to enable Russian in menus and tips, even if you start the game you succeed.


What could you have encountered

I don’t know about others, and I had 2 kind of problems, which I ran into during unsuccessful startup attempts.

This is the error indicated in the title with the executable of the game.

И просто чёрный экран, который возникал во время запуска через физическое нажатие на экзешник, а не через стим

And just a black screen, which occurred during startup through physical pressing on the executable, and not through steam

And how to deal with it?

Solution to the problem: Stage 1

You may have seen this part of the solution to the problem in any other tutorial.

1. Opening local game files
2. Go to the bin folder
3. Opening the properties of the file farcry3.exe and in the tab “Compatibility” check the boxes:

4. We do the same with the file farcry3_d3d11.exe

Now, when you click on any of these files, the game starts quietly.
That's just in English.
And through a separate click on the file, and not through Steam.

This will not work!

Solution to the problem: Stage 2

How can you run the game in Russian and via Steam?? Why did you need to go to this particular guide?

But everything turned out to be simple. Examining the error window carefully. And what do we see there?

“The author of this meme” wrong executable, which we fixed, but completely different.

it FC3UpdaterSteam.exe

With some simple thoughts, we try to mark the same checkboxes., which we noted in the first stage, also on this executable.

Running through Steam!
Russian language!

Unfortunately, Steam overlay still not called, because Steam stops counting, that the game is launched as soon as Ubisoft Connect is connected. Respectively, game hours cannot be counted either, although everything worked before. How to fix this already – I dont know. If you have a solution – write in the comments or even throw links to your guides. Working options or links to manuals with these will be added to the text. I will do the same, if I find them myself.

Ubisoft as always

Apparently the problem occurs only on Windows 10, because the way to solve it depends on this parameter. If you encounter this error, do not be lazy to throw in the comments the version of your operating system and its specific assembly. I have it Win10 Assemblies 19043.1348

The influence of Steam is not excluded, in which games are loaded to users in their original form, in which they were loaded on it by the developers back in the bearded years, when the game just came out.

From CVS

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