In this guide, I have collected almost all the status effects in the game and described them.
What are status effects
Basically, all status effects were checked for the player.. Most of the effects can work for NPCs too, and for the monsters. Duration of effects not included.
And that, if you have never encountered custom – this guide is unlikely to be useful to you
List of status effects – 1
“arresting” - gradually reduces the speed and height of the player's jump to zero. After some time, the player will not be able to run and jump at all.
“ballistapusher” - decreases speed by 75% and raises by 150 maximum health.
“ballistic” - gave an error when used. Better not to use
“ballisticapplier” - the strangest effect. At first nothing happens. Then, when the effect expires, the player is thrown up high with gravity almost turned off and the sprite of his character may turn upside down.
“beamburning” - deals fire damage, ignoring armor, and also reduces the running speed and jump height of the player.
“beamin” - the player has an animation of teleportation to the planet and the entire silhouette of the player turns black.
“beamaway” - the player has an animation of teleportation from the planet and he becomes invisible. After the effect wears off - the player is teleported to a random place near his position with the animation of teleportation to the planet and becomes visible.
“beamout” - the player has an animation of teleportation from the planet and he becomes invisible.
“beamoutanddie” - the player has a teleportation animation and his health indicator drops to 0 (that is, the player dies).
“beamoutandteleport” - the player has an animation of teleportation from the planet and he becomes invisible.
“bed1”, “bed2”, “bed3”, “bed4”, “bed5”, “bed6” - used mainly for beds. The better and more comfortable the bed, the more health is restored. During the effect, the player's hunger is stopped, he becomes visually naked and his health is restored. Health restoration quality. varies from bed1 (weakest health recovery) to bed6 (the best recovery of health). Also lowers defense to 0.
“biomeairless” - superimposed in the moons, space stations, in asteroid belts. The player cannot breathe and his air value gradually decreases. The player also receives a radio message that, what is it worth buying a breathing kit.
“biomecold” - superimposed on planets with cold stars. The player has a snow animation, all energy first decreases, and after that, health begins to decrease, reduced walking and running speed. The player also receives a radio message that, that it's cold here and he needs a heating set.
“biomeheat” - superimposed on planets with hot stars. Fire particles appear around the player, and he gets 5 damage, ignoring armor. The player receives a radio message that, that the place is very hot and needs a cooling set.
“biomeradiation” - superimposed on planets with radioactive stars. Player health drops to 10 percent of the maximum. Example: if the player has maximum health 100, then when you receive the effect, health will not rise higher 10. The player also receives a radio message that, that on this planet it is better to use a radiation kit.
“blink” - the player has an animation of appearance, as with teleportation using technology “blink”
“blinkout” - the player has a disappearance animation, as with teleportation using technology “blink”, then the player becomes invisible.
“bouncy” - a blue outline appears around the player. The player begins to bounce when falling from surfaces like a ball, also removes fall damage.
“breathprotectionvehicle” - gives the player immunity to lava, poison, to lack of air and effect “wet”.
“burning” - the player gets 2.5% damage from maximum health +1 damage / sec., colored in an orange tint and particles of lights depart from it.
“camouflage0”, “camouflage25”, “camouflage35”, “camouflage50”, “camouflage75” - makes the player transparent. “camouflage0” - the player becomes completely transparent and invisible.
“camouflage75” - the player is almost completely visible.
“capturebeamout” - usually applied to NPCs in peacekeeping missions when they are detained. The player / NPC / monster has an animation of teleportation to the cage and the player's health indicator becomes equal to 0.
“castelectric” - visual effect. The player turns blue and an animation of electrical sparks appears, also white and blue particles appear around the player, a repetitive pulsating glow appears.
“castfire” - visual effect. The player turns yellowish and an animation of lights and smoke appears, yellow particles and a repeating pulsating orange glow also appear around the player.
“castice” - visual effect. The player turns blue and the animation of snowflakes appears, also blue particles appear around the player.
“castphysical” - visual effect. The player turns white, also white particles appear around it.
“castpoison” - visual effect. The player turns green and a venom bubble animation appears, also green particles appear around it and green particles seem to fall from it.
“colorblue”, “colorgreen”, “colororange”, “colorpurple”, “colored”, “coloryellow” - visual effects. Paint the player blue, green, Orange, purple, red and yellow shades respectively. When several such effects are applied to a player, the color of the paint is summed up
“crash” - visual effect. The player turns pinkish and emanates particles.
“cultistshield” - the player's defense indicator becomes equal 100. When receiving damage, a shield animation plays around the player, as if protecting him. The boss has a similar effect. “Azra Knox”.
“deathbomb”, “deathbombelectric”, “deathbombfire”, “deathbombice”, “deathbombpoison” - * not tested yet, may not work *
“dontstarve” - superimposed in Protectorate and in many mission locations. Stops hunger. Designed for players in survival and hardcore mode.
“l6doomed” - the player starts to glow red and red and yellow emanate from him in all directions (or white) particles, it also turns reddish. When taking damage higher 10 units the player receives an additional 130 explosion damage.
“electricblock” - gives the player immunity to electricity.
“electricblockaugment” - too, what u “electricblock”, but no icon.
“electrified” - an animation of electric sparks appears around the player and he turns into a bluish tint. Into creatures, capable of inflicting damage, in radius 8 blocks from the player will fly discharges, whose damage is 20% from the maximum amount of player's health.
“electric car”, “nature”, “iceaura”, “poisonaura” - visual effects. An animated electric shape forms around the player., fiery, ice and venom aura respectively.
“electriccharge” - visual effect. The player emits blue particles and emits blue-white light.
“poisoncharge” - visual effect. A gray smoke emanates from the player. Green bubbles emanate from the player's feet to the head. No light comes out.
“elite monster” - increases the player's maximum health in 4 times and attack rate in 2 times. Mainly intended for monsters, but works for players and NPCs too. The main feature of this effect is that, that it ** protects against other status effects **.
“energyregen” - accelerates the regeneration of energy in 10 time (it's not accurate). If the player's energy indicator drops to 0, then energy regeneration will start immediately, not through 1-2 seconds. A small amount of green particles emanate from the player from the legs to the head.
List of status effects – 2
“burnspray”, “fireblock”, “fireblockaugment” - give immunity to burning.
“hungry” - lowers the running speed by 15%, the player receives a radio message that, what should he eat, and also a beeping sound is played. You can get it, if you don't eat for a long time, so it is relevant for players in survival and hardcore mode.
“starving” - lowers the running speed by 15%, the player receives a radio message that, what should he eat, as well as a beeping sound is played and health decreases quickly enough. You can get it, if you don't eat for a long time, so it is relevant for players in survival and hardcore mode.
“wellfed” - restores health during 120 seconds with health recovery animation, the player receives a radio message that, that due to satiety, his health will regenerate better. You can get it, if you fill the hunger scale completely.
“foodpoison” - can be obtained by eating raw meat. Applies 10% from maximum health + 1 units of damage per second.
“frostslow” - the player turns blue and snowflakes appear around him. Reduces jump height by 15% and the speed of movement on 25%.
“frost snare” - the player turns blue and snowflakes appear around him. Reduces jump height by 15% and the speed of movement on 85%.
“ghostlyglow” - visual effect. The player is painted blue with a white and gray border, and also begins to glow brighter in the dark.
“glow” - visual effect. The player turns yellow and yellow stars appear around him. The player starts to glow with a very strong yellow light.
“shipglow” - visual effect. The player turns yellow and begins to glow brightly with yellow light.
“glueslow” - the player turns gray and white particles fall from head to toe from the player. On 75% lowers the speed of movement and greatly lowers the height of the jump.
“guardiandeath” - usually used on death for a boss “guardianboss”. The player gradually turns white, begins to glow brighter and more white and hangs tightly in place. Gives immortality.
“halogenglow” - visual effect. The player glows bright yellow.
“headlamp” - visual effect. The space where the player is looking glows directionally, as if the player had a flashlight on his forehead.
“bandageheal” - restores 50 health units for 1 give me a sec.
“bottledwaterheal” - restores 10 health units.
“nanowrapheal”- restores 100 health units in a short period of time.
“salveheal” - restores 50 health units
“hologramglow” - visual effect. The player glows brightly with white light.
“iceblock”, “iceblockaugment” - give immunity to ice.
“intents” - visual effect. The player becomes visually invisible.
“invisible” - gives invisibility. Removes the glow around the player in the dark, he stops making any sounds (eg, as when taking damage or falling to the ground). However, NPCs and mobs can see the player.
“invulnerable” - the player stops taking damage, but can die from lava, poison, lack of air, falls from great heights.
“jumpboost” - increases in 2 times the jump height of the player. Also, some white particles will emanate from the player's feet during the jump..
“jumpboost20”, “jumpboostaugment”, “jumpboostfood” - increases the jump height by 20%.
“shipjumpboost” - increases in 2 times the jump height of the player. Also, some white particles will emanate from the player's feet during the jump.
“lanternglow” - visual effect. The player glows with a white light of medium brightness.
“largedamageboost” - increases the player's damage rate in 10 time. It starts to glow purple, tinted magenta with purple outline. Purple particles go up from the player.
“largedamageboostapplier” - the same as “largedamageboost”, but everything works 10 seconds.
“lavaglow” - visual effect. The player begins to glow dimly orange, orange particles dripping from it. The light gradually becomes brighter, it fades away altogether.
“levitation” - the player starts to hover at a height of about 4 blocks from the ground and from his feet white particles go down. Reduces fall rate greatly, so it is impossible to crash from a height with this effect. Increases defense by 5 units.
“lightaugment1”, “lightaugment”, “lightaugment2”, “lightaugment3” - visual effects. The player starts to glow with a white light. The effects are ranked from the dimmest, until the brightest. P.s. between “lightaugment1” and “lightaugment” there is practically no difference in terms of light brightness.
“liquidimmunity” - gives immunity to lava, poison, resins and water.
“lowgrav”, “lowgravaugment” - reduces the force of gravity for the player by 70%.
“stafflowgrav” - reduces the force of gravity for the player by 75%.
“maxenergyboostaugment1”, “maxenergyboostaugment2”, “maxenergyboostaugment3” - increase the amount of the player's maximum energy by 20, 40 and 60 units respectively.
“maxenergyscalingboost” - increases the player's maximum energy by 50%
“maxenergyscalingboostfood” - increases the player's maximum energy by 20%
“maxhealthboost5”, “maxhealthboost10”, “maxhealthboost15”, “maxhealthboost20”, “maxhealthboost30”, “maxhealthboost40”, “maxhealthboost50”, “maxhealthboost60” - increases the player's maximum health by 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 units respectively.
“maxhealthboostaugment1”, “maxhealthboostaugment2”, “maxhealthboostaugment3” - increases the player's maximum health by 20, 40 and 60 units respectively.
“maxhealthreduction” - reduces the maximum health of the player by 75%
“maxhealthboostcollar1”, “maxhealthboostcollar2”, “maxhealthboostcollar3” - increase the player's maximum health by 33%, on 66% and on 100% respectively
“maxhealthscalingboost20”, “maxhealthscalingboostfood” - increase the player's maximum health by 20%
“highprotection” - increases the player's defense rate to 85 units.
“maxprotection” - increases the player's defense rate to 100 units and removes knockback from damage. Ordinary monsters and bosses do no damage to the player at all (but they can apply effects to the player).
List of status effects – 3
“melting” - applied when falling into lava. The player gets an animation of the lights and is colored orange. Player takes fire damage, which ignores armor and increases in 2 times. 1-I second - 30 damage. 2-I second - 60, third - 120 etc. When the effect wears off, it adds another effect to the player “burning”.
“minibossglow” - visual effect. The player begins to glow with a reddish light and is colored with a red outline.
“monstercapture”, “monsterdespawn” - throws an error when used. Does not work.
“blackmonsterrelease”, “monsterrelease” - makes it invisible, but also throws an error.
“monsterrelocatespawn” - paints the player white with a blue outline. Gives an error message.
“monsterrelocate” - the player's texture is colored with a blue stroke and quickly shrinks, until it becomes invisible. The player cannot move and becomes immortal.
“motionattack” - visual effect. A gray smoke emanates from the player's mouth.
“mudslow” - decreases jump height by 15% and the speed of movement on 20%.
“neon” - visual effect. The player is painted black with a green outline and a pale yellowish tint, pale green particles fall from it
“nitroglycerine” - when falling from a height, the player explodes.
“nofalldamage” - the player stops taking fall damage.
“novakidglow” - visual effect. The player starts to glow faintly the same way, like when in complete darkness, but the glow radius is larger.
“bored” - visual effect. The letters z-z-z-z radiate upward from the player's head, like when resting on a bed.
“love” - visual effect. Hearts emanate from the player's head, which through 1-1.5 seconds burst.
“nosebleedleft” - visual effect. Blood flows from the left side of the face in the area of the player's mouth / nose.
“nosebleedright” - visual effect. Blood leaks from the right side of the face in the area of the player's mouth / nose.
“slowlove” - visual effect. The same as love, but hearts appear every 10 seconds.
“vomitleft” - visual effect. Something yellow-green flows from the left side of the face in the area of the player's mouth / nose.
“vomitright” - visual effect. Something yellow-green flows from the right side of the face in the area of the player's mouth / nose.
“nude” - all clothing visually disappears from the player. Only affects players.
“overload” - electric sparks appear around the player and subtle blue particles emanate. The effect throws an error.
“paralysis” - the player cannot run and jump. Electric sparks also appear around the player..
“partytime” - the effect is not finalized and does almost nothing, except that the player starts to glow with subtle different colors.
“peacekeeperaugment1”, “peacekeeperaugment2”, “peacekeeperaugment3” - the player gets +2, +4 and +6 protection respectively. Also, the player begins to glow with a pink-purple light., “peacekeeperaugment1” - weak light, “peacekeeperaugment3” - the strongest light.
“playerbeamin” - gives immortality. If at the moment of activating the effect there is an aggressive creature nearby, then it will be discarded.
“antidote”, “poisonblock”, “poisonblockaugment” - give immunity to poison.
“enemyrage” - the player turns red and red particles emanate from her. Increases the player's attack rate by 50%. Doesn't work for players.
“rageaugment1” - increases the rate of attack on 10%
“ragecollar1” - increases the rate of attack on 15%
“fad food”, “rageaugment2” - increases the rate of attack on 20%
“shiprage”, “rageaugment3”, “rage”, “ragecollar2” - increases the rate of attack on 30%
“staffrage” - increases the rate of attack on 30%, but it works 0.5 sec. Obtainable from the zone, which will spawn “kluexstaff”.
“ragecollar3” – increases the attack rate on 45%
“redflash” - visual effect. Paints the player in a bright red hue.
“runboost” - on 50% increases running and walking speed. Visual lights emanate from the player's feet while running.
“runboostaugment”, “runboost20” - on 20% increases running and walking speed.
“runboostfood” - on 20% increases running and walking speed.
“shiprunboost” - on 50% increases running and walking speed.
“sandstorm” - can be obtained on sand planets during a storm. Animation is playing, the word from the player is falling grains of sand. Decreases jump power by 25% and the speed of running and walking on 30%.
“bubbleshield” - used for monsters. Blocks a certain amount of damage, after which the player takes damage again.
“staticshield” - the player is colored with a blue outline, but the effect is used for monsters. Blocks a certain amount of damage, after which the player starts to take damage again and the outline disappears.
“techshield” - blocks a certain amount of damage, after which the player takes damage again.
“shieldregen” - most likely, applied when using shields. I did not notice practical application, presumably responsible for regenerating shield defenses.
“skullheadlamp” - the same as “headlamp”, but with red light.
“slimeslow” - decreases running speed by 75%. The player is painted in a pale green shade and particles of mucus drip from him.
“staffslow” - reduces the speed of movement by 50% and reduces the jump height.
“statusimmunity” - gives immunity to almost all effects.
“stun” - reduces the speed of movement by 50% and reduces the jump height.
“swimboostcola”, “swimboost” - increases jump height in water and movement speed in water.
“swimming” - used by the game to switch the player's movement to swimming mode. Does not work.
“tarslow” - greatly reduces the height of the jump and the speed of movement by 35%, black particles dripping from it, and it turns into a deep purple hue
“techstun” - the player cannot move or run, hangs in one place (even if it was in the air at the time of the effect) and turns pinkish (or purple) shade.
“enemynova” - does not work.
“nova” - when damage is received, an explosion forms around the player, fire damage in radius 3-4 blocks. It is also highlighted with an orange outline..
“thorns”, “thornsaugment” - from the player, when receiving damage, thorns fly in all directions, which immediately disappear into the distance 2-3 from the player, which inflict damage equal to the player's received damage. Example: you got hit, and you got 5 damage, then the flying thorns will inflict the same 5 damage.
“timefreeze” - the effect of the alt attack “timepierce”. Gives immortality, but the player freezes in place without the ability to move, the player is also painted in a dark purple shade.
“translocate” - most likely used for an item “translocator”. Has no practical use, except that the teleportation animation appears with “translocator”.
“ufobeamstun” - does not work as it should. The player is painted in blue and white.
“vulnerability” - lowers the player's defense to zero
“weakpoison” - the player gets 2.5% damage from maximum health +1 unit of damage / sec.
“wet” - Obtainable by contact with water and rain. Reduces the player's movement speed and jump height by 10%, also particles fall from the player, like dripping water.
“windswept” - the player moves on the ground, as on ice and glides on any horizontal surfaces. Increases running speed.
“lighthelmglow” - visual effect. The player glows with white light.
“xenonglow” - visual effect. The player glows with a bright white light.
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