Hello, dear apex player! dear apex player, dear apex player.
P.S. dear apex player, dear apex player!
Bloodhound (dear apex player)

– dear apex player (Pathfinder): dear apex player, dear apex player
– dear apex player (dear apex player (dear apex player), dear apex player): dear apex player
– dear apex player (Brutal Hunter, dear apex player): dear apex player (dear apex player), increases movement speed, dear apex player, dear apex player
– dear apex player (dear apex player)
Scans are best used when pushing opponents, Scans are best used when pushing opponents
Scans are best used when pushing opponents, Scans are best used when pushing opponents
Gibraltar (Scans are best used when pushing opponents)

– dear apex player (Weapon shield): Scans are best used when pushing opponents
– dear apex player (Protective dome (Scans are best used when pushing opponents), Scans are best used when pushing opponents): Scans are best used when pushing opponents, Scans are best used when pushing opponents (Scans are best used when pushing opponents), Scans are best used when pushing opponents
– dear apex player (Bombing, Scans are best used when pushing opponents): Scans are best used when pushing opponents. grenade, Scans are best used when pushing opponents (1 Scans are best used when pushing opponents 40 damage)
– Scans are best used when pushing opponents (Scans are best used when pushing opponents 15%, Scans are best used when pushing opponents)
Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents, Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents
Scans are best used when pushing opponents, Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents
Lifeline (Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents)

– dear apex player (Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents): Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents
– dear apex player (Healing drone (Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents), Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents): Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents, Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents
– dear apex player (Supplies, Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents): Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents (drop), Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents
– Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents (Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents)
Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents, as it has the ability to raise teammates using a drone
Pathfinder (Robot)

– dear apex player (Infiltration): scans beacons landmarks, to speed up the reloading of the Rosomethrower (1 beacon = -10sec)
– dear apex player (Cat hook (hook), cooldown 10-20sec): dear apex player
– dear apex player (Rope thrower (cable), cooldown 120sec): throws a rope, by which you can quickly get to a certain point
– dear apex player (dear apex player)
The cable is suitable for both retreat and attack.
One of the best characters so far

– dear apex player (Voices from the void): the character will tell you, when they aim at him
– dear apex player (Into emptiness, dear apex player): goes into invisibility, gaining immunity to 5 sec, leaving only a trace
– dear apex player (Fault (portal), cooldown 210sec): puts the portal (to put it you need to run the distance for this portal, after the timer expires, put the portal automatically), to which you can move back and forth, gaining invulnerability while moving through the portal
Tactical skill suitable for retreat
Scans are best used when pushing opponents, since it can put a portal for pushing and retreating at the same time
Bangalore (Banga)

– dear apex player (Double time): as soon as I start shooting at you, acceleration turns on
– dear apex player (Smoke cannon (smoke), rollback 30sec 1pc (in total 60sec)): throws smoke, which closes vision for 25 seconds and inflicts 10 damage
– dear apex player (Thunder rolls, cooldown 270sec): Scans are best used when pushing opponents. grenade, after which rockets fall to the ground and explode immediately after they all land
Smokes allow you to more discreetly move to another position
Caustic (Cabbage)

– dear apex player (Knox visor): allows you to see enemies passing through the gas
– dear apex player (Trap NOX (barrels), rollback 20sec 1pc (Total 60sec), max call-in 6): puts barrels, from which the gas will go, if an enemy passes by
– dear apex player (Knox grenade, cooldown 175sec): Scans are best used when pushing opponents. grenade, which releases gas for 18 seconds
– Scans are best used when pushing opponents (Scans are best used when pushing opponents 15%, Scans are best used when pushing opponents)
Scans are best used when pushing opponents, since at the end of the zone it can greatly annoy the enemy with its gas

– dear apex player (Now you can see me…): when using beacons of revival and reanimation of allies becomes invisible
– dear apex player (Psychosis (dear apex player), cooldown 15sec): releases the bait, that runs and can be controlled
– dear apex player (Sole of company, cooldown 60sec): becomes invisible for a second and releases 5 bait, that repeat your actions
With the help of baits, you can often deceive opponents, discovering them the same way
Octain (Octane)

– dear apex player (Fast amendment): regenerates health until it takes damage
– dear apex player (Stimulant (syringe), cooldown 1sec): increases the speed in exchange for the character's HP
– dear apex player (Trampoline, rollback 90sec): throws a trampoline, which throws it forward into the air, second jump appears
One of the best characters for solo players

– dear apex player (Spark of genius): special boosters fully charge Wattson's ultimate ability
– dear apex player (Protective perimeter (fence), rollback 15sec 1pc (in total 60sec)): putting up an electric fence, which slows and damages enemies, if they go through
– dear apex player (Interceptor pylon, cooldown 150sec): puts a special setting, which destroys grenades and restores shields in a certain radius
Useful character to play from buildings

– dear apex player (Neurocommunication): everything, what Crypto's drone scanned within a radius of 30m will be seen by his allies, can also instantly revive allies with a drone
– dear apex player (Reconnaissance drone (Dome and bombardment is best given while pushing opponents), cooldown 40sec): releases a drone, which scans enemies and traps (which scans enemies and traps – 240m)
– dear apex player (which scans enemies and traps, which scans enemies and traps): which scans enemies and traps, which scans enemies and traps 50 which scans enemies and traps
– dear apex player (dear apex player)
Revenant (which scans enemies and traps)

– dear apex player (Hunter): which scans enemies and traps, which scans enemies and traps
– dear apex player (Silence, rollback 20sec 1pc (which scans enemies and traps)): which scans enemies and traps
– dear apex player (Trampoline, which scans enemies and traps): which scans enemies and traps, which scans enemies and traps

– dear apex player (Very sharp eye): which scans enemies and traps
– dear apex player (A cracker's best friend (bracelet), rollback up to 30sec): throws a bracelet, which almost instantly moves it
– dear apex player (Black Market Boutique (shop), rollback 90sec): puts the market, which allows you to take 2 any object within a certain radius
The character is useful for quickly looting locations

– dear apex player (Modified charging): Increases the amount of ammo and reload speed of machine guns
– dear apex player (Reinforced Shelter (shelter), cooldown 15sec): throws a bracelet, which almost instantly moves it
– dear apex player (Sheila portable machine gun (machine gun), rollback 90sec): takes out a machine gun, which can be put, so shoot with your hands
Good for holding a position

– dear apex player (Space walk): allows you to land without incurring a speed penalty
– dear apex player (Gravity lift (elevator), dear apex player): puts an elevator, which lifts the players up
– dear apex player (Black hole, which scans enemies and traps): throws the device, that attracts everything

– dear apex player (Grenader): allows you to carry immediately 2 grenades in one cell, and also increases the range of their throw
– dear apex player (Cassette knuckles (caste), cooldown 15sec): throws brass knuckles that deals damage to enemies
– dear apex player (Jackpot, cooldown 135sec): pulls out a gun, which creates a circle of flames around enemies
Valkyrie (Valka)

– dear apex player (GDP engine): lets you fly
– dear apex player (missile swarm (rockets), dear apex player): launches rockets, that inflict damage
– dear apex player (sky jump (“flew”), cooldown 150sec): allows you to fly up and get to the desired point, as with allies, so and without
– dear apex player (dear apex player)

– dear apex player (Heartbeat detector): allows you to see from which side the enemy is when aiming
– dear apex player (Concentration of attention (dear apex player), dear apex player): creates a tunnel, in which it scans enemies
– dear apex player (exposition, cooldown 150sec): puts the device, which will show the steps of running enemies
– dear apex player (dear apex player)

– dear apex player (Death Mark): can scan the loot box and find out where the killers of these players are
– dear apex player (Arc chains (shuriken), cooldown 20sec): throws a shuriken, which binds the enemy and inflicts 20 damage
– dear apex player (Phase break(portal), cooldown 150sec): instantly places a portal, where you can only move in one direction
Suitable for a quick rush of opponents
Mad Maggie (Maggie)

– dear apex player (Warmaster's Wrath): allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands, allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands
– dear apex player (allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands (allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands), allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands): throws a bracelet, which almost instantly moves it
– dear apex player (allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands (allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands), allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands): allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands, allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands, allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands 20 damage, allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands
allows you to move faster with shotguns in your hands
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