Chernobylite: Top 10 best sedatives for those who have played

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After many hours of witnessing the loss of close allies, rollbacks back in time and extremely sad at the moment optimization of the game, many are faced with psychological problems. To prevent this situation from worsening, it is necessary to deal with it at the stage of its inception..

So let's go :

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 10 Fitosedan (Calming Collection #2).
This sedative drug is one of the few all-natural medicines., able to cope with stress. At the same time, the absence of synthetic components does not prevent it from exerting a powerful sedative effect on the body., and all thanks to an amazing combination of healing herbs, such as, oregano and thyme, valerian, sweet clover and licorice root. As practice shows, Fitosedan perfectly eliminates sleep problems and prevents the negative effects of stress, if it has not yet become chronic.

In addition, sedative collection number 2 does not harm the body, which means, it can be used even during pregnancy and even children. The same goes for side effects.. For instance, Fitosedan does not cause drowsiness, which is why doctors recommend drinking it in the afternoon, brewing one filter bag, and drinking like tea. Moreover, you can take the remedy even in the morning or in the afternoon, without fear of the appearance of a sleepy or inhibited state. With all this, Fitosedan is an affordable drug., the price of which will pleasantly surprise you.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 9 Persen.
Persen is another herbal preparation, in which valerian extract is combined with lemon balm and peppermint. In this combination, the substances from these herbs are able to have a mild relaxing and calming effect on the body.. The drug Persen perfectly copes with neurotic conditions and unpleasant symptoms of stress., it is effective as a, relieving anxiety and depression, and besides, it bears the proud title of "The Best Natural Sleeping Pill". Moreover, specialists often prescribe this medication for the prevention of psychosomatic disorders.

Let's talk about it separately, that Persen is completely non-addictive and does not reduce concentration, making it possible for people to take it, busy with activities, which requires increased concentration. If we talk about the shortcomings of the drug, then this should include individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of Persen. Persen is not prescribed to children under three years of age due to lack of research, confirming the safety of taking the drug at this age.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 8 Tenoten.
This medicinal product belongs to homeopathic remedies., about the effect on the body of which disputes do not stop today. The thing is, that the active substance of the drug is present in this medication in extremely small doses, and, according to some scholars, does not have a positive effect on the nerves. However, Numerous studies and testimonials prove, that the drug is great for helping people, in a state of prolonged stress, themes, who suffer from neuroses and are faced with vegetative and psychosomatic disorders.

In addition, Tenoten improves memory and increases the body's resistance to stress.. The undoubted advantage of the drug is that, that due to the minimum doses of the drug, Tenoten does not cause side effects. Yes, and the list of its contraindications includes only children's age up to 3 years, pregnancy and lactase deficiency.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 7 Depression.
This sedative is called "The most natural antidepressant", and all because, that its active ingredient is St. John's wort, rather its extract. For the first time, scientists became interested in the antidepressant effect of this medicinal plant in the mid-80s of the last century., moreover, the opinions of American and European researchers were polar opposites. Americans counted, that St. John's wort is not able to effectively affect the central nervous system, while European scientists have proven that St. John's wort extract is in no way inferior in the fight against depressive states, and in many ways even superior to traditional antidepressants.

Today, Deprim is often prescribed to combat depression. (mild to moderate), in case of depression, anxiety states (especially during menopause), as well as with increased sensitivity to weather changes. truth, You can only buy medicine with a doctor's prescription, and the kids to 6 years, its use is contraindicated. Moreover, it is necessary to remember, that this medicine increases photosensitivity, which means, fans of a beautiful sun tan or a visit to the solarium should not be treated with Deprim. And yet - you should not combine this medication with another antidepressant., not to cause an overdose.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 6 Afobazol.
The drug Afobazole is rightly called one of the best anxiolytics and tranquilizers of our time.. This tool is an optimal combination of effectiveness, security and availability. Judge for yourself, Afobazole perfectly calms the nerves and reduces anxiety, Helps relieve insomnia and trouble falling asleep. In narcological practice, this drug is prescribed to persons, decided to quit smoking or quit drinking alcohol. Afobazole in this case perfectly eliminates the signs of withdrawal symptoms. The drug is also used in psychiatry, where, in combination with other drugs, it eliminates some psychosomatic disorders.

Here it is worth mentioning the main advantage of the sedative in question.. The thing is, that Afobazole is the only tranquilizer, the reception of which does not turn into habituation. Moreover, this remedy is combined with alcoholic beverages, which means, taking medicine, you will not attract too much attention to yourself at friendly parties and family celebrations.

At the same time, this medication is not prescribed to persons, under 18 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as people with lactose intolerance.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 5 Gerbion.
This is another combination sedative of natural origin., which contains valerian root, peppermint, hop cones and lemon balm. Thanks to this combination of medicinal herbs, the drug has a calming effect on the central nervous system. First of all, this effect is provided by valerian root.. Hop cones enhance its effect on the nervous system, and lemon balm and peppermint have a relaxing effect and give the drug a pleasant taste.

The drug Gerbion is recommended to be carried by people, suffering from anxiety, themes, who needs to cope with increased excitability, irritability, insomnia or constant stress. The medicine is produced in drops, therefore, for most of the listed disorders, it is enough to take 20-30 drops per day, so that unpleasant nervous breakdowns no longer bother you.

Gerbion is recommended for adults., but for children under twelve years of age, the medication is prescribed only after consultation with a specialist. Moreover, it should be remembered, that Herbion drops are produced on alcohol, and therefore apply them to persons, driving a car and other means of increased danger, should be done with caution.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 4 Novo-passit.
This Czech drug is called the best drug with anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) action. Initially, Novo-Passit caused a lot of doubts as a sedative., because the active component of this drug is the substance guaifenesin, developed by scientists in 2012 year to fight cough. However, it later turned out, what is plant matter, extracted from the bark of the guaiac tree, affects not only the cough center, but also of the CNS, relieving a person of anxiety and perfectly calming "shattered" nerves.

Today, Novo-Passit is used to combat such unpleasant conditions., like irritability and anxiety, distraction, fear, as well as increased arousal. It is often given to women, to relieve symptoms during menopause. Moreover, in combination with other drugs, Novo-Passit is used to combat allergies. Experts note the speed of the drug. Its beneficial effects on the body can be felt already through 30 minutes, what makes Novo-Passit indispensable in case of neuroses and reactive psychoses. Darker less, everyone, the user of this remedy should be aware of possible side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting or dizziness.

In addition, Novo-Passit reduces reaction time and weakens attention., what limits the category of persons, who can take this drug. Children up to 12 years, this sedative is also not prescribed.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 3 Phenibut.
Phenibut is one of the best representatives of modern nootropic drugs., ie. medicines, activating the brain and improving mental processes. However,, Phenibut is a universal remedy with tranquilizing (soothing and relieving anxiety) action. Due to such diverse effects on the brain and, in particular, to the nervous system, Phenibut is prescribed in case of difficulty falling asleep, constant fear, anxiety and other neurotic conditions.

Neurologists use this remedy to treat dizziness and tension headaches., in case of seasickness (motion sickness) and Meniere's disease. In combination with other drugs, Phenibut is also prescribed for children.. Let's talk about the negative impact on the body. Doctors do not recommend taking medication for a long time, as in this case, you can harm the functioning of the liver.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 2 Pantogam.
This is another representative of nootropic drugs., which protects the brain from oxygen starvation, increases mental and physical performance. At the same time, the drug has a moderate sedative effect on the body., which allows it to be used in neurotic conditions and the treatment of various addictions.

Interest in Pantogam is increasing year by year also because, that against the background of treatment of serious diseases, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy or Parkinson's disease, this drug helps to cope with a nervous breakdown, sleep disturbance and other effects of stress. Moreover, it is widely used in pediatrics, improving children's memory and normalizing the child's sleep.

Pantogam is prescribed in the complex treatment of childhood epilepsy, as well as mental retardation in children. Psychomotor agitation in children is also a reason for prescribing this drug.. The advantages of Pantogam include that, that in case of side effects, it is enough to reduce the dosage of the drug, how an unpleasant state will immediately go away. However, its side effects include drowsiness and lethargy, and in case of an overdose, a person becomes lethargic. In addition, contraindication of the drug is pregnancy, (I trimester), allergic reactions and kidney pathology.

If you know Morse code, it will be easier for you 1 Glycine.
If we talk about the means proven over the years, which have long proven their effective effect on the nervous system, then the first among them is Glycine. Today this tool is in demand, as before, and doctors proudly call it the best sedative for children. This is the cure, improves metabolic processes in the brain, has been helping people cope with increased emotional stress for decades, aggressiveness and conflict.

Glycine improves mood, relieves anxiety and improves sleep. The medication in question helps to cope with the withdrawal syndrome and manifestations of menopause for adults, and at the same time suitable for children over three years old, who suffer from hyperexcitability and do not sleep well at night.

A huge advantage of this universal drug is the absence of contraindications (except for individual intolerance), as well as low price, which makes Glycine available to all categories of citizens.

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