Information on all encryption messages for the game event "Classified: Code Cryptos »!
List of all 12 encryption messages:
Encryption 1 - A1:1500 (To apply 1500 damage)
Encryption 2 - A3:750 (Earn 750 experience)
Encryption 3 — A2:2 (Destroy 2 enemy tank)
Encryption 4 - A4:1:2:3:4 (Earn one of 4 Mastery Tokens)
Encryption 5 - A4:1:2:3:4 B3 C3 (Earn one of 4 Achievements on a USSR Heavy Tank)
Encryption 6 - A4:5:6 C2 (Earn the Warrior and Main Caliber medals on any German tank)
Encryption 7 — A2:3 B1 (Destroy 3 enemy tank on a light tank)
Encryption 8 - A1:2500 B2 D4 (To apply 2500 damage on CT of the European nation)
Encryption 9 - A1:2000 A2:2 B4 (To apply 2000 damage, destroy 2 thin opponent of PT-SAU)
Encryption 10 - A4:7 D2 B2 (Earn a "Support" medal, on any medium tank of the Chinese nation )
Encryption 11 - A3:1000 B3 C1 (Earn 1000 experience on any US heavy tank)
Encryption 12 - A3:1000 A2:2 D1 (Earn 1000 experience, destroy 2 tank on a Japanese tank)
Nation encryption:
C1 = American Tank
C2 = German tank
C3 = Soviet tank
C4 = British tank
D1 = Japanese tank
D2 = Chinese tank
D3 = French tank
D4 = European tank
Technique class encryption:
B1 – lt
B2 – Art
B3 – tt
B4 – Fri
Encrypting medals:
A1 = Damage
A2 = Keels
A3 = Experience
A4:1 = Master
A4:2 = 1 degree
A4:3 = 2 degree
A4:4 = 3 degree
A4:5 = Warrior
A4:6 = Basic hummingbird
A4:7 = Support
From Triangle
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