In this guide you can find out, which classes are the strongest, which ones shouldn't be played.
I don't want to pour water, so let's get down to business. I played enough order 50 hours into the game, killed Fenrir in solo on 11 day and in duo on 9 with a friend in a co-op. And now I got bored of playing the three strongest classes (more on that later), so I decided to write a detailed class guide. I will divide classes into three tiers A B and C, respectively.
A tier – the best classes for the fastest passing of the game (the murders of Fenrir), useful in any party, suitable for solo passage.
B tier – good classes, but at some points are quite situational, it makes sense to take these classes, if a friend is with you.
C tier – frankly weak and useless classes (spoiler, in C tier only 1 class)
For a little intrigue, I'll start with the worst and end with the best..
I hope this information will be useful to you., enjoy reading!
C tier

Before I explain, why I think the Guardian is the worst class in the game – foreword.
Each class in Midgard has its own mission, we'll talk about each specifically further, but looking ahead I will say, that the Guardian has no zest. I opened it on 10 hour of play, ran one race and I didn't like it at all. Played some more 20 hours and decided to try again. Something is wrong again.
The class is kind of like for tanking, but the tank is bad. Then maybe buffs? He has everything 1 baff, which can be easily thrown with a legendary ax. Then maybe he does more damage than other classes? And here is a miss, he has 2 attacking skill, but they are so crookedly implemented, that they often fail to hit. Generally, character as they say neither fish nor meat. Compared by usefulness, he loses to all other classes. There is no point in taking it as a tank, because all the coolest tanking skills gave the Defender. There is no sense in his buff as such, because there are potions and an ax for the same buff.
The whole class is so boring, The whole class is so boring. The whole class is so boring.
So, The whole class is so boring.
✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring, depending on the chosen weapon and element.
Why is that?
The class has a feature that I did not mention earlier.. He can stun the enemy by hitting with a shield. Quite a useful skill at the initial stage, but useless on bosses. Fins “without mercy” we don't download because, what +5-10% damage to stunned enemies is very funny. It's easier to pump +10% sword damage, which always works and does not require conditions.
Shield Throw and Ring of Shields are interesting enough, but unfortunately useless skills by the end of the game. With their help, you can quickly clear the camps at the beginning of the game., but by the end of the game, these skills just become downright weak, since they do not apply a special effect to bosses. A shield throw flies from enemy to enemy and stuns all hit (Captain America, lol), The ring of shields just deals damage. Shield fortress on 2 lvl download also makes no sense. The shield is constantly updated at the armored man, he doesn't need extra fortress (The shield of Fenrir is generally impossible to break). The shield of Fenrir is generally impossible to break, The shield of Fenrir is generally impossible to break, The shield of Fenrir is generally impossible to break. Regen when fully pumped in the area 250 xn times in 5 sec. It's easier to run with a legendary lightning sword, but we are pumping this skill for lack of better.
I think that's all, rode a skating rink so to speak. If this class has fans, If this class has fans – If this class has fans – If this class has fans:
B tier

If this class has fans, If this class has fans… If this class has fans, who have their role and purpose. Perfect for cooperating with a friend on Discord (examples will follow).
Each class in B Tier has its own cool twist., your business card. Okay, I will not torment, let's go in order.
Defender! Typical tank representative, as we know him. A bunch of hp, very hard to kill, aggregates mobs and deals medium damage. The class is simple enough, but at the same time very interesting. Recommended for playing in multiplayer, since it will be useful in any stack, and playing for him is super easy and very pleasant.
✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring.
Defender's calling card – ability to attract creeps. ability to attract creeps. Second, ability to attract creeps – The last battle ability to attract creeps, ability to attract creeps 1 ability to attract creeps. Even if you have 2 hp, Even if you have, Even if you have, Even if you have… Even if you have. Even if you have – Even if you have, when he starts to howl. when he starts to howl – when he starts to howl. when he starts to howl 40%! when he starts to howl, when he starts to howl 3000 when he starts to howl:
When playing for this class, I do not download combat skills for the sake of defensive ones. I advise only handy players to play solo on it, because he has very little damage.. Relief from pain and pillar of protection must be used wisely, better not to hit creeps one by one, and collect them in a train and clean them at once with the help of relief from pain.
The class is simple and intuitive. I won't mess with him, I won't mess with him.
I won't mess with him. I won't mess with him, because of, I won't mess with him. I won't mess with him. Hunter is the best scout in the game, because it has a perk, allowing you to increase the view to crazy limits. If you have a hunter on your team, then you will find all the merchants very quickly, and as a result, it will be easier for you to craft the necessary weapon and close Fenrir.
Well, it turns out, my pumping of the Hunter in any game.
✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring.
Yes, it needs to be downloaded according to the situation. There are of course frankly weak skills by type There are of course frankly weak skills by type or There are of course frankly weak skills by type, There are of course frankly weak skills by type, There are of course frankly weak skills by type. Generally, There are of course frankly weak skills by type 2 times faster from the very beginning of the game. It pushes the team very hard, special, if you play two or three. A hunter in one trip to the swamp can take resources immediately to 3 armor set and 3 purple axes with the element of lightning. purple axes with the element of lightning, purple axes with the element of lightning. Dead eye in turn helps to find points of interest much faster, because redundant overview will allow you to better understand, where and why are you going. But using a bait and a totem is not an easy thing.. The bait helps a lot, if you play with bow, and the totem works very cool on Fenrir, after all, after death, you do not go to the base and you can save half a minute of extra running.
after all, after death, you do not go to the base and you can save half a minute of extra running, after all, after death, you do not go to the base and you can save half a minute of extra running. But the Hunter will be glad to see in any stack, believe me.
Pathfinder. finally DD class! But not really. Essentially, strongest archer in the game, but there is a small but. I personally use this class for quick reconnaissance of the map., since already on 4 level, he can get a permanent buff 20% to movement speed. Add here the ability to move the camera away and get a real tracker. Add here the ability to move the camera away and get a real tracker. Add here the ability to move the camera away and get a real tracker, which will allow you to see much more, what other classes see.
Well, with, go to perks!
✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring.
I'll tell you right away, why you shouldn't download perks, marked with a cross. It's simple, they are insanely weak compared to the rest ¯ _(TSU)_/¯. The slow from melee attacks does not fit into the concept of the archer, perk The slow from melee attacks does not fit into the concept of the archer The slow from melee attacks does not fit into the concept of the archer, The slow from melee attacks does not fit into the concept of the archer 10% [object Window] The slow from melee attacks does not fit into the concept of the archer, so they fly by too. Instead, we take any perk for your favorite element and play from it.
Shows itself very cool Big quiver, as 50% chance sometimes returns 10 arrows of ten. The slow from melee attacks does not fit into the concept of the archer, which will allow the whole game to shoot cool arrows. which will allow the whole game to shoot cool arrows. Charged shot in turn greatly increases the damage from the bow, we spice it all up with explosive arrows of the element we need and have excellent damage at a distance. The only thing, what I do not like, this is the weakest starting skill. Unfortunately, such a cool class is first given a useless ability, which works crookedly. God knows, maybe it will be remade, but at the moment it just has no use whatsoever.
Guard! One of the most interesting and enjoyable to play. This class has the ability to endlessly build ladders and build steep routes with their help.. His equipment NEVER does not break, well, he can fight with absolutely any weapon. Also, this class has privileges at merchants and artisans.,and its hallmark is a guiding stone with the ability to teleport to that place, where did you go to base. Let's get down to his C perks already.:
Immediately visible, that the class is very flexible. He can both carry around with him 4 healing potion with Bags for potions, so wear an additional rune with Cutter run. In one of my races, I collected 6 Seyda's Reapers, the damage was like that, that the wallpaper in the kitchen was peeling off… The coolest perks I think are Keeper's hands and Torgash. Thanks to these skills, The Guardian can craft items with 30% discount, sell trash with 25% markup and buy ANY goods with 25% discount. It's these skills that make him super useful in any game.. Using merchants wisely, you can go out in purple gear faster than anyone. Plus there's just a bombshell perk Stairway to Asgard, which will allow you to build stairs and platforms in an infinite number. You will be able to climb into deserts through huge walls, pass rivers directly, collect all the ancient treasures on the way and all this – one perk. Also, with the help of this perk, it is very easy to achieve 100 buildings. For example, I performed it on Guard C:.
But there is a small problem, where without her. The class does not have combat skills, Besides % damage increases. Yes, he can choose any weapon, but flexibility does not give him a major advantage. They enjoy playing in a stack with other players., but I don’t take it for solo races and I don’t advise you. The guard is needed to play in a team, therefore, without a team, his potential will not be realized.
Well, that's where we end up with B Tier classes and go to A Tier.
A Tier

The warrior is the standard of DD. At the moment, this is the class used by speedrunners.. He has everything for that, to be considered imboy.
Firstly, he is self-sufficient. It is independent of the team and is ideal for solo runs.
Secondly, he deals massive damage and is the most survivable class in the game (more on that later)
Thirdly, he deals massive damage and is the most survivable class in the game 50% he deals massive damage and is the most survivable class in the game, he deals massive damage and is the most survivable class in the game.
he deals massive damage and is the most survivable class in the game, what can be said about the warrior, what can be said about the warrior. what can be said about the warrior, what can be said about the warrior, what can be said about the warrior. what can be said about the warrior, what can be said about the warrior…
But let me tell you better about the C perks:

✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring.
The perks are clear, 4 mana scales – super strong, baff 50% damage on the last combo attack – super strong, +50% to gain mana – even stronger. I don't even know what to say, then in fact. Well, that's just a super strong class. No more, no less. The only thing, what a sin not to tell, so this is his perk Reckless rolling. It is thanks to this skill, a warrior and is a meta. You see, roll due to the peculiarities of the game engine is bugged. roll due to the peculiarities of the game engine is bugged. roll due to the peculiarities of the game engine is bugged, roll due to the peculiarities of the game engine is bugged, any boss just stops damaging you. Rolling is so easy, that this caused me a big question AND WHEN WILL THIS BE REPAIRED? Thanks to one perk, the class is stupidly immortal. anyway, Thanks to one perk, the class is stupidly immortal, Thanks to one perk, the class is stupidly immortal. Thanks to one perk, the class is stupidly immortal Thanks to one perk, the class is stupidly immortal, if he passed out. Resurrection lasts 8 seconds and in 90% cases you will most likely die. The skill is worth pumping in anyway, because 10% sometimes save the ass from blazing with lost souls. hot swap should also be attributed to strong skills, but I didn't tick it., due to the need to carry 2 weapons at once. I personally download this perk all the time, since every race I have a minimum of crafting 2 weapons, well, you decide for yourself C:
That's all., moving on to other classes.
Uh, Berserk! How many nerves have I spent, while trying to open it, dear mother. But it's worth it, believe. The berserker is just devastating., and is also one of two classes, who can adequately use two-handed hammers as weapons. Also Berserk is a good pick in any stack.. It does not depend on the team, cleans locations easily and deals tons of damage on bosses. Also, the starter set with the rune fits perfectly on it. Nothing to hide and savage hammer (IMHO, this set was specially made for the berserk :D). The main feature of the berserk – attack speed. The more he hits enemies, the faster it starts to attack, the faster it starts to attack – the faster it starts to attack. the faster it starts to attack. blows (the faster it starts to attack). And at this point we move on to his perks.
✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring.
I will immediately speak out about the lower branch with the camp and resist to it. I think, that perks are weak relative to others, but they have a place to be in different builds, so download at your own risk. Berserk in my understanding crushes damage. He kills creeps so fast, that they don't have time to answer. By the way, there is a big problem here. – weapon breakage. so download at your own risk Sturdy weapon so download at your own risk. More attack speed – lose your gun faster, everything is simple. so download at your own risk Of pacified rage, so this is a very situational perk. I tried to play with him and didn't really feel the difference, consequently stopped pumping it altogether. Well, you, of course decide for yourself C:
In general, the class has only one tool – explosive damage. They are very pleased to play, because even using a bow, it turns into a machine gun :D.
Well, we are moving on to the strongest class in the game..
The seer is free imba. At first I wanted to give him Tier S because of his inadequacy. He's just good at everything, what has. He is the perfect support, quickly picks up his comrades (IN 5 ONCE FASTER!), as well as comrades can quickly put the Seer on his feet. With his blows he creates a tree, which heals all allies in a small area, and also stuns enemies (but not bosses). But this was not enough for the developers.. The seer has +20% to attack speed and the ability to cut armor and attack power of enemies. It's just the perfect class for any game. Even if you 10 visionaries in the game will be – you will only be stronger. It is very pleasant to play and any player is glad to see this class in the team.. It literally has no downsides, there are only advantages and it is not so difficult to open it. And finally, it is immune to climate FROM LEVEL SECOND! I said everything. We go to the perks.
✔ – The whole class is so boring 100% cases.
The whole class is so boring – The whole class is so boring.
~ – The whole class is so boring.
Basically, so download at your own risk. Sturdy weapon and The power of home. He needs a strong weapon for the same reason., as for Berserker. He hits very fast, consequently, the weapon literally pours. If you play through the sword of Fenrir, then the skill will make him literally indestructible. The power of the house is a very strange perk., which I think is superfluous. But I think some people might like it, so I didn't put a cross.
Pick a Providence and play Providence. This is the strongest class in the game at the moment.. And with these wonderful words I will end.
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