Sea of Thieves: Pirate life: 5 the lost diaries of the damned from the third TallTale

Help in finding the hard-hidden lost diaries from the third story “Captains of the Damned”


Greetings, pirates of the thieving seas! Today I will tell you, where to find 5 hidden lost diaries of the damned from the third story. At the time of my passing, there hasn't been a single guide yet, where and how to find these diaries. The search for these diaries took more than 3 hours of my life. It turned out, that they are easy to find. Easily… if you know where and how to look :))) Let's get started!

First location (Tia Dalma Swamps, 3 diary)

    To start, you need to get soul fire, on this wrecked ship
    It is located in the forest opposite Tia Dalma's house
    Also, I recommend that you take a pistol or a rifle instead of a musket!
  • DIARY # 1
    After, go back along the river and find the first point with the book:

    We light this torch on the pier:

    Then on the table, next to the banjo, diary appears:
  • DIARY №2
    We go further back along the river and find a cage with a skeleton:

    We light the torch on the rock and shoot the rope, which keeps the cage:

    The cage falls into the water, we open it and inside there is another diary:
  • DIARY №3
    Further, we are heading left, into the branch of the river and find such a barn:

    On him, we light another torch and go further for the lighted lanterns:

    As a result, lanterns should lead to this place, where should we enter the river:

    Entering the river, you will find a broken boat with a lantern, where is the third diary:

The second location (Spanish fort, 2 diary)

  • DIARY №4
    To start, you must enter the fort and go down to the prison pit, where will you find the lantern:

    Set it on fire and go to the next pair of skeletons, where one of them got a diary:
  • DIARY №5
    By the prison pit, find a small prison cell and light her lantern:

    To get into this prison cell, you need to climb through the roof:
    Yes, the cage is closed from the inside… In it we find the last diary from this series.:

From 🔹 ᗩTTᗩ ᑕ K ᗰE 🔹

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