winter achievements 2021
to quickly get achievements, they can be obtained in single player mode with the issuance of loot and without other players.

a little east of the city there will be a broken sleigh of Santa.
read the note (not necessary)
and take everything 4 gift
then we carry them around the city
-shelf. plot
-fire station
-ice rink
(aim at the green marker and press the interaction button)
we return to the sleigh and pick up the gifts
-gilli set

we find the first snowman behind which there will be a wooden structure.
push the snowman on the carrot nose
after which you need to press on the noses of the snowmen in a certain order, walking along the line from the first to the last
take a shovel from the gift that appears and go dig the snowdrifts
need to collect
– 12 snowballs
– 10 metal id[67]
– 2 pine log id[41]
– 4 carrot id[329]
collect a big snowman and rejoice(:

go to the map RUSSIA
sail to LIBERATOR and approach the cook

and start the process of making cookies

fall asleep in a bowl
add eggs and chocolate bar
interfere id[470] id[83]
pour the mixture onto the baking sheet
we send to the oven
put it on the table
and take away the cookies

with a pickaxe (storm) we extract ice from ores located throughout the city
we go to the foot of a tall white TV tower
you need to have with you
– 5 ice crystals
– 4 metal id[67]
– 2 chemistry id[67]
put everything in its place
and put the battery
achievement received!
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