In this guide, you will learn which skills are the best to farm blood points in DeadByDaylight.. In the future, blood points can be spent on pumping a survivor / killer.

BBQ and Chile.

1) BBQ and Chile.
Close connection with the Essence grants you the ability to read auras. After that, how do you hang a survivor on a hook, the auras of the rest of the survivors are revealed to you on 4 sec., if they are in more than 40 m from the hook.
Everytime, when the survivor is hanged for the first time, You get 25% cumulative bonus to all blood points up to 100%
Bonus Blood Points are awarded after the match.
Sowing fear.

2) Sowing fear..
Your terrifying energy spreads over unnaturally long distances. The radius of your terror is increased by 26%. You get on 100% more blood points for actions in the stealth category.
Beast of prey.

3) Beast of prey..
Your lust for killing is so strong, which for a short time overshadows even the connection with the Essence, and your actions become completely unpredictable.
When you get Level 1 Bloodlust, the effect starts to affect you “Stealth”. The effect disappears, when you lose bloodlust.
You get on 50% more blood points in the category “Hunting”.
Spoilage: Hunting passion.

4) Spoilage: Hunting passion..
Spoilage, drawing strength in hope. Survivors' False Hope excites you and empowers your totems. You get a totem for every Dim Totem and Corruption Totem on the map.
For each token you receive on 10% more blood points for actions in the category “Hunting”.
Survivors' Totem Cleansing Speed is reduced by 7% for each token.
You will receive a notification, when the survivor begins to cleanse the corruption totem.
Corruption works, until the corresponding totem is destroyed.
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