Hello! In this guide, I'll cover the basics of fishing.. Reward and value the leadership, if you liked it!
To start fishing in Far Cry 5, you first need to go through the entire starting section of the game, then liberate the island of Datca. When the whole map is revealed to you, you can start the fun. However, these are not all the preparatory steps..
Jump off the boat - here you can fish for salmon. Just pick up your fishing rod, which sticks out of the ground. Get it out of inventory, face the water and you can start.
It takes a little practice to catch fish - the main thing is not to rush or twitch.. Wait, when the fish bites the bait and start pulling - quickly, to grab fish. Try to exhaust the fish, directing the rod in the opposite direction from the movement of the fish. Then pull it to the shore and take it for yourself. Everything is like a real fishing.
The fish can be sold or given to the bear Cheeseburger.
You can't make a lot of money this way, but if you like to contemplate nature and enjoy the movement of the river, then extra money will not hurt.
–Salmon-taimen - the location is described above
–Chavycha - the place can be found as part of the Cheeseburger quest or by moving west and slightly south of the center of F.A.N.G. on the Mokkassin river
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